Which tests are best to use?

I deem “best” on these critieria:

  • The amount of information reported
  • The ability to get that information into the data store so suggestions may be generated with the best details (direct transfer or uploadable files)
  • The number of tests uploaded from a lab (the more uploads, the more we can identify patterns!)

These tests are not available everywhere.

  • World Wide
    • 💰 Biomesight – ships world wide. There is a discount code “MICRO” that may still be available
      • 2430 samples uploaded, up to 1300 different bacteria
  • Europe
    • 💰💰💰💰💰 Xenogene provides information on virus and fungii too!
      • 35 samples uploaded, up to 5240 different bacteria

Extra Citizen Science Analysis is done when there are over 200 samples uploaded.

Many other tests are supported (see this report).

Two new providers should be compatible this year:

  • Vitract (US and Canada)
  • PrecisionBiome (EU – which looks like it may be the only test that is in full conformity to Personal Health Information regulations in Europe).