RAAS: Suggestions API

REVISED: Sep 10, 2021

This is done by doing a post to /api/opensample . An example is shown below (postman snapshot)

There are two options for calling:

  • POST to https://microbiomeprescription.com/api/OpenSample This obtains the raw collection of suggestions
  • POST to https://microbiomeprescription.com/api/OpenSample?premimum=1 – This add the fuzzy logic results used on Microbiome Prescription to balance the effects of different ite,s. Note: the results are dependent on the amount of shift.

Description of parameters

The following are currently implemented:

  • logic: indicates which subset of citations are used, please see this page for more info. Possible values from (D,C,P). If not given “C” is assumed
  • types: which subgroup of modifiers are used. See below for list at time of writing(use the API to get the current). If missing, ALL types are used.
  • shifts:
    • taxon: NCBI taxon number
    • shift: positive means too many, negative means too few
    • NOTE: if ?computedsuggestions=1, then these “shifts”: numbers will be used in the computation


Part 1: Suggestions Data Raw

The request reflects in the request for reference. Values not specified are defaulted. This is followed by the raw information on what impacts, how and where the data is coming from.

Sept 10th, Enhancements:
  • Bacteria Names and Rank are added to help human review
  • impact was changed from a numeric to human friendly terms

Part 2: Computed Take Items

This occurs with ?premium=1 in the URI. The ids are modifier ID (you can look up the name in the “suggestions”: section below it.