Modifiers are dropped into various groupings to allow people to focus on particular type of things. The classification is not precise — for example, an item may be prescription in one part of the world and over the counter in another. For canned suggestions, either it is just the 🍎 apples below or everything.
🍎 Amino Acid and similar
⚕️ Antibiotics, Antivirals etc
🍎 Diet Style
⚕️ Drug or “Non-drug”
🍎 Flavonoids, polyphenols etc
🍎 Food (excluding seasonings)
🍎 Herb or Spice
⚕️ Miscellaneous, food additives, and other odd items
⚕️ Not Classified
🍎 Prebiotics and similar
⚕️ Prescription – Other
🍎 Probiotics
🍎 Sugar and similar
🍎 Vitamins, Minerals and similar
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