Upload ubiome Json

I have just added another console application. I am doing things in layers and downstream we could create a DLL with everything in it. At this point (especially for those wishing to port it to other languages), doing one feature in one console application is likely the best approach.

This installment takes the ubiome json file and uploads it to the tables.

This is the template to use for uploading tests that provides the standardized taxon number. The only different would be in file parsing.


Input file structure

  "download_time_utc": "2019-06-24T22:46:36.000Z",
  "sequencing_revision": "1346982",
  "site": "gut",
  "sampling_time": "2019-06-12T00:00:00.000Z",
  "notes": "",
  "ubiome_bacteriacounts": [
      "taxon": 1,
      "parent": 0,
      "count": 70967,
      "count_norm": 1000000,
      "tax_name": "root",
      "tax_rank": "root"

After one upload, your data should look like this:

The code is simple, a single method that reads the file name, takes the JSON and makes an object. Walks the object and create a data table. Then calls a stored procedure with this data table and other information.

One thing that is also done is it writes a report on any taxon that it could not match to the ncbi microbiome hierarchy. “Different strokes for different folks”. Actually, more often a taxonomy got deprecated and ubiome has not updated their system.

In the execution folder, you will see a file containing the missing taxon

With the contents like:

If you open the json file, and search for it, you will see what they call it.

You could add this to the taxonHierarchy or ignore it. I searched for it by name and got an apparent match but with a different taxon number.

Resolving this disagreement is up to you. One option is a replacement table of ubiome’s taxon to ncbi taxon where you are confident that they are the same.

Uploading ncbi hierarchy data

First you need to download the ncbi dump files first.

Go to ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/

When you unzip the file, you will see the available data.

Load up the c# project at https://github.com/Lassesen/Microbiome2/tree/master/UploadTaxHier

Modify the DB Configuration string to point to your database. Run the application with the location of the dmp files above.

After the upload, we see the number of records that we have

That’s it! If you want to do periodic updates, I will leave that to the reader to do (and add a pull request). Remember this is open source!

OpenSource Microbiome Project

Readers have expressed interest in some of my work being open sourced. The actual site would be described as an “evolved beta”, rather than subject people to quirks and kludges, I am proceeding as a redesign of a V.2 product. If you are interested, please FOLLOW (top left) to get updates as they happen.

The Repository is at:


The first item that I want to get up for discussion is the core database tables – for review and comments. The Database diagram is shown below.

A few quick notes:

  • Statistics were done as a separate table instead of the typical additional columns because trying multiple quantiles is seen as the way to go for non-parametric analysis. This becomes open ended with items like “Q2_18” – Quantile 2 of a 18 way quantization being possible. With that type of breakdown, we want to know if we are dealing with stale date, so we need to know the computation date.

Next post will deal with populating TaxonHierarchy and TaxonNames from ncbi downloads.

The Journey Begins with your microbiome

Thanks for joining me!

This is a companion site to the analysis site at: https://microbiomeprescription.com/

The intent of this site to assist people with health issues that are, or could be, microbiome connected. There are MANY conditions known to have the severity being a function of the microbiome dysfunction, including Autism, Alzheimer’s, Anxiety and Depression. See this list of studies from the US National Library of Medicine. Individual symptoms like brain fog, anxiety and depression have strong statistical association to the microbiome. A few of them are listed here.

The base rule of the site is to avoid speculation, keep to facts from published studies and to facts from statistical analysis(with the source data available for those wish to replicate the results). Internet hearsay is avoid like the plague it is.

The Microbiome as a Key to Health

Continue reading “The Journey Begins with your microbiome”