Long COVID with EBV and COVID

Back Story

I have been struggling with my medical symptoms. After over a year of persistent fatigue, I found your blog, and would like some additional help with determining the issues in my gut microbiome.

I had mono(Epstein–Barr virus – EBV ) in high school. I have had COVID once, in December of 2021.

In November of 2022, I started feeling a bloating-like symptom in my stomach. I saw multiple doctors, and had two endoscopies and a colonoscopy done. Nothing was found. I was diagnosed with IBS, and told to take a probiotic. I took it (GBI 30, Bacillus Coagulans).

The very next day, and ever since, I have been dealing with chronic fatigue, along with associated symptoms such as headaches and joint pain (mostly in the legs).

I’ve seen a variety of doctors including GPs, GIs, a rheumatologist, and a naturopath. None have been of very much help. One GP thought I may have undiagnosed lyme due to the inaccuracy of lyme tests, so I took a four week course of doxycycline, which did not make me feel any better or worse. I have tried gluten free, dairy free, and added sugar free diets, none of which helped either. Various supplements from my naturopath also did nothing.

This is an interesting scenario. Typically the ME/CFS associated event is an infection, a vaccination, or antibiotic use. A probiotic being a trigger does fit the model — but definitely an edge case.


Looking at forecast symptoms, we see a lot of ME/CFS symptoms (DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire was written for ME/CFS patients). A few is shown below.

I am going to assume the ME/CFS is indeed a diagnosis and thus go to the cross validated suggestions. I am going to restrict to only ME/CFS-Long COVID. First, we see a lot of bacteria shifts match that reported in the literature for ME/CFS

We also get a lot of suggestions for things suggested by the microbiome shifts and also reported in published studies to help ME/CFS.

My reading of this reader is that antibiotics or prescriptions items are unlikely to be available.
I then proceeded to [Just give Me Suggestions] so we can get priorities for the above.

  • All of the top items are a mountain of antibiotics (From a priority of 908 down to 433 when the first probiotic shows up). If the following does not make progress, the reader may wish to revisit that option.
  • My usual advice is to keep to items in the top 50%. Ignoring antibiotics, our preferred range is 210 to 433. Items below that are more iffy…


Many of these are related (L. Casei, L Paracasei, Yakult). Dosages should be around 50 BCFU with weekly rotation (i.e. do one each week and then move on to the next one).

I then checked to see where Bacillus Coagulans ( renamed to Heyndrickxia coagulans) sit, and it is a definite avoid. B Coagulans triggering ME/CFS is very viable. Using KEGG, I hit the rare case of no probiotics being calculated.

Other Items

There are just two items in range


We have a pretty rich list of foods. Rye and whole grain above go together strongest (Oats and Barley are weaker – WHEAT is a to be avoided). My suggestion for Rye is 100% Rye bread (NOT what is often labelled rye bread – a mixture of wheat and rye flour). Below is what I personally use (Amazon US) (Amazon UK equivalent)

Herbs and Spices

Again, a long list — often these have similar profiles to antibiotics, hence a lot of antibiotics suggestions often have a long list here. My own preference would to do:

  • 1 Week of Neem, then
  • 1 Week of Wormwood, then
  • 1 Week of Tulsi, then
  • 1 week of Oregano oil, then
  • etc

Wait, there’s more! Stuff to reduce or avoid

Lowest is -631, so items between 315 and 630 are definite avoids. All seaweeds related products

See the full list and for anything that is negative and a regular part of your life, consider reducing or eliminating.

Food Site Menu

Since the first draft of this post, I have reconnected the food site. I have used the Novice suggestions nutrients below.

Black elderberry
Broad bean x 2
Green / Oolong Tea
Pecan nut

Black chokeberry
Blackberry, raw
Orange (not juice)
Lima / Kidney Bean
Rye, whole grain flour (i.e. 100% Rye bread)

Vinegar x 2
Oil, linseed or flaxseed
Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%)
Oil, grapeseed
Caterpillar, roasted,
Iron fortified foods
Oat, whole grain flour
Tahini, sesame seed pulp
Rhubarb, stalk, raw
Wine [Red]

Cross Validated Suggestions for this Sample

Bottom Line

I favor Dr. Cecile Jadin approach of regular rotation and anything that inhibits or kill bacteria (antibiotics, herbs, spices and probiotic). This reduces the odds of the bacteria adapting around the mechanism that inhibits it. Always start with a low dosage and increase every second day — holding steady if die-off or other reactions appear. Once that has faded, resume the increase OR move on to the next item in the rotation.

Questions and Answers

  • Q: Although I do now notice that when I try to get the results again (I am using the simple UI), I see it is giving me different recommendations. Is this due to some sort of shift in the data used, some sort of difference between the Simple UI and the old UI, or am I misunderstanding?
    • The site is live data. There are several dimensions:
      • Adding new studies — recently I have been adding 20-30 per day. More studies should mean better suggestions
      • Associations of Bacteria to Symptoms are recomputed about once a week.
      • Thresholds for the reference range is computed about once a week.
    • The goal is to give the best suggestions at the time it is executed. I am aware that many people want absolute consistency from month to month; I am sorry but I prefer to give the best suggestions based on most current research.
  •  Q: It’s interesting to see just how much of a shift has occurred- prescription antibiotics have gone from the number one recommendation, far outpacing everything else, to hardly on my top suggestions at all. That would make it easier for me to implement a plan, though, so I can hardly complain.
    • That shift is because of more studies being added to the database. One sweet study reported dozens of bacteria shifts for each antibiotic. The Algorithm counts the number of desirable or undesirable shifts for a modifier (i.e. antibiotic, probiotic, herb). Before the addition of more studies, the counts were very high for some antibiotics. Many of the probiotics went from 3 studies to 40 studies with the new additions, so the net weight of the probiotic or other modifiers went up and thus the antibiotics slipped down the list.
    • People can design algorithms in many manners — I tried many variations until I got one that had a strong cross-validation for ME/CFS (picked because I knew the literature well) and when I tested on a different condition, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, I got  92% correct for substance to take and 83% correct for substances to avoid. In the machine learning/AI world those percentages are very, very respectable. Subsequent changes has been just increasing data volumes.

Postscript and Reminder

As a statistician with relevant degrees and professional memberships, I present data and statistical models for evaluation by medical professionals. I am not a licensed medical practitioner and must adhere to strict laws regarding the appearance of practicing medicine. My work focuses on academic models and scientific language, particularly statistics. I cannot provide direct medical advice or tell individuals what to take or avoid.My analyses aim to inform about items that statistically show better odds of improving the microbiome. All suggestions should be reviewed by a qualified medical professional before implementation. The information provided describes my logic and thinking and is not intended as personal medical advice. Always consult with your knowledgeable healthcare provider.

Implementation Strategies

  1. Rotate bacteria inhibitors (antibiotics, herbs, probiotics) every 1-2 weeks
  2. Some herbs/spices are compatible with probiotics (e.g., Wormwood with Bifidobacteria)
  3. Verify dosages against reliable sources or research studies, not commercial product labels. This Dosages page may help.
  4. There are 3 suppliers of probiotics that I prefer: Custom Probiotics , Maple Life Science™, Bulk Probiotics: see Probiotics post for why

Professional Medical Review Recommended

Individual health conditions may make some suggestions inappropriate. Mind Mood Microbes outlines some of what her consultation service considers:
A comprehensive medical assessment should consider:

  • Terrain-related data
  • Signs of low stomach acid, pancreatic function, bile production, etc.
  • Detailed health history
  • Specific symptom characteristics (e.g., type and location of bloating)
  • Potential underlying conditions (e.g., H-pylori, carbohydrate digestion issues)
  • Individual susceptibility to specific probiotics
  • Nature of symptoms (e.g., headache type – pressure, cluster, or migraine)
  • Possible histamine issues
  • Colon acidity levels
  • SCFA production and acidification needs

A knowledgeable medical professional can help tailor recommendations to your specific health needs and conditions.

Long COVID at 8 months

I’m writing because 8 months ago I got Covid and since then I have been very sick. My main symptoms are fatigue, exercise intolerance/pem, many histamine issues slash food intolerances, upset GI with alternating diarrhea and constipation, weight loss, headaches, anxiety and depression, panic attacks….the list goes on.

I know something is wrong with my gut but I’m having trouble fixing it because my diet is so limited and I have so many reactions to things.  I know a limited diet is not good but I also feel so much worse when I eat certain foods especially carbs. I think I might have SIBO. I uploaded my profile to you site and would love any help. I’m giving permission to share.


This person has added symptoms and we see a good match of bacteria shifts to reported symptoms

Further down, we have many more matches

  • Immune Manifestations: new food sensitivities ✅ – [86.7%]
  • Neuroendocrine Manifestations: marked weight change ✅ – [84.6%]
  • Post-exertional malaise: Post-exertional malaise ✅ – [84%]
  • DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Does physical activity make you feel worse ✅ – [82.7%]

When there are many reported symptoms to predicted symptoms, then I usually run with two methods. The second gives probiotics only:

Because of the food issues, I will be explicitly going to the food menu feature.

Histamine Bacteria

Looking at the Microbiome Tree, we see why histamine may be an issue


We have 69 symptoms marked resulting in 44 bacteria flagged. This is common and shows that there is often bacteria overlap between symptoms. The other factor with symptoms is a person’s DNA.

The best suggestion is walnuts. Looking at the probiotics, I was not surprised at the top ones:

Why am I not surprised…. because my own post COVID symptoms cleared rapidly when I did high dosages of fresh Bifidobacterium (manufacture date was the month before). The top of the list is below.

On the avoid list are many items that appear related to carbs (fiber) — what this person reacts to

My take away for no known-risk probiotics are these items suggested

Clicking on the Food Menu Planner Button

KEGG Probiotics

The results very typical for ME/CFS and Long Covid


The “many histamine issues slash food intolerances” causes me to suggest looking at the foods suggested above, especially those that are not in a person’s typical diet. I.e. Walnuts, Acai, Burdock Root, Asparagus, Rye bread (100% – not wheat+rye mixture), Beets, papaya, etc.

But wait! Those are based on studies of those explicit foods. When we go to the associated food sites, we see 116 nutrients identified as to take or avoid

The top to take are:

And to avoid:

With a quick list of food to take:

And to Avoid

My Approach if this was me

I would see about getting a bottle of only Bifidobacterium species probiotic as soon as possible to try to kick start things (i.e. a local health food store, or online with quick delivery). There is a risk that there may be no living or barely living bacteria in this bottle (background). So fingers crossed.
At the same time I would order bottles of the following (which may take 3-4 weeks to arrive). Direct links to Maple Life Science’s Ebay site are linked below.

Those prices include shipping, so $44.00 total (which may be close to the price of the local purchase bottle). They ship worldwide! Why this source? My experience has been very good with them. Manufacture date is usually within a few weeks of shipping. Everyone that I have tried has had “kick”, that is, I see changes of stools (shape, size, frequency) and changes of fart smells within days of starting. I would start with just one, one capsule only and then work up to 5/day. Once the first bottle is empty, start the next bottle with the same pattern.

Next, I will try to incorporate as many of the above things — especially items that are not usually in your diet. With that, check the to avoid and reduce as much as is practical.

After 2-3 months, do another sample with the same firm — things are expected to change significantly and a new set of suggestions should occur.

Postscript – and Reminder

I am not a licensed medical professional and there are strict laws where I live about “appearing to practice medicine”.  I am safe when it is “academic models” and I keep to the language of science, especially statistics. I am not safe when the explanations have possible overtones of advising a patient instead of presenting data to be evaluated by a medical professional before implementing.

I cannot tell people what they should take or not take. I can inform people items that have better odds of improving their microbiome as a results on numeric calculations. I am a trained experienced statistician with appropriate degrees and professional memberships. All suggestions should be reviewed by your medical professional before starting.

The answers above describe my logic and thinking and is not intended to give advice to this person or any one. Always review with your knowledgeable medical professional.

Premature Autisic Child

Back Story

Born premature 25 weeks ivf pregnancy on tons of hormones for myself. Vaccines for her. Can’t poop on her own. Gi maps test showed clostridia, strep, entero faec etc. Mycotox urine kit showed 2 most toxic molds citrinin ocratoxin a, fatty acid oxidation issues, methylation issues, mthfr, double slow comt gene, reactions to most foods (behaviors),restless sleep. Autism diagnosis. She is 6 years old now. 


I always approach under 15 y.o. with caution because they are very understudied, and the existing studies show major changes from adults.

Key Bacteria identifies two species:

I then checked some literature: Commercial microbiota test revealed differences in the composition of intestinal microorganisms between children with autism spectrum disorders and neurotypical peers [2021]

  • “Other microbes observed in large quantities in the feces of ASD compared to neurotypical children include such species as Akkermansia muciniphila “
  • For Bacteroides uniformis, there was no clear literature associated.

I then went over to look at typical items from the literature.

Going Forward

It will be just a “give me suggestions” plus some suggestions that are typical for autism. In general, I try to cross validate the suggestions with the current literature on Autism. Example: Go to https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/, enter the item and autism and see if there is any literature.

In this case, one result was returned (a bit of a heavy and twisted read).

luteolin and diosmin inhibited neuronal JAK2/STAT3 phosphorylation both in vitro and in vivo following IL-6 challenge as well as significantly diminishing behavioral deficits in social interaction. Importantly, our results showed that diosmin (10mg/kgday) was able to block the STAT3 signal pathway; significantly opposing MIA-induced abnormal behavior and neuropathological abnormalities in MIA/adult offspring.”

Flavonoids, a prenatal prophylaxis via targeting JAK2/STAT3 signaling to oppose IL-6/MIA associated autism [2009]

I have done a few, but the reader should check each one. Items that cross-validate should be choice #1, other items as a secondary choice.

Postscript – and Reminder

I am not a licensed medical professional and there are strict laws where I live about “appearing to practice medicine”.  I am safe when it is “academic models” and I keep to the language of science, especially statistics. I am not safe when the explanations have possible overtones of advising a patient instead of presenting data to be evaluated by a medical professional before implementing.

I cannot tell people what they should take or not take. I can inform people items that have better odds of improving their microbiome as a results on numeric calculations. I am a trained experienced statistician with appropriate degrees and professional memberships. All suggestions should be reviewed by your medical professional before starting.

The answers above describe my logic and thinking and is not intended to give advice to this person or any one. Always review with your knowledgeable medical professional.

Taxonomy Inference with the Microbiome

Let us start with a more real world example: Dogs.

Take a vaccine against Rabies tested on dogs in a pound (Canis Lupis). It was successful. Inference means that there is a high probability that it would work for Welsh Pembroke Corgis — although there was none in the pound. This is a child inference.

There is a high probability that this vaccine would also work for the Genus Canis, which include wild dogs such as Jackals (Africa), Wolves, Coyote and Dingos (Australia). This is a parent inference.

There is a reasonable probability that this vaccine would also work for the Family Canidea which includes Foxes. This is a grandparent inference.

The key thing to remember is that each layer of the taxonomy hierarchy has significant DNA shared with those above and below. It is likely (not guaranteed) that the layer above or below will respond similarly.

A Common Inference Seen with Medical Consultants

A consultant may read an article like “Whole genome sequencing of Lacticaseibacillus casei KACC92338 strain with strong antioxidant activity…” and based on this study recommend Lactobacillus Casei probiotic for a patient. This is a parent inference. We do not know definitely if this general species would have any of the desired behavior. There is a reasonable probability. If you reject inference then you can only recommend this explicit strain, no substitutions allowed. If you are using herbs, Greek Oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum) may be cited in the study (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Prevents Behavioral and Oxidative Stress Changes… so Oregano Oil cannot be assumed to do similar — that is an inference.

The Microbiome has stricter overlaps than mammals

In the last 20 years, different bacteria has been sequenced resulting in a more correct hierarchy based on DNA. For example, Lactocaseibacillus casei was originally Bacillus casei, then Lactobacillus casei. A short table of a few others is shown below.

Current nameNew name
Lactobacillus caseiLacticaseibacillus casei
Lactobacillus paracaseiLacticaseibacillus paracasei
Lactobacillus rhamnosusLacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus plantarumLactiplantibacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus brevisLevilactobacillus brevis
Lactobacillus salivariusLigilactobacillus salivarius
Lactobacillus fermentumLimosilactobacillus fermentum
Lactobacillus reuteriLimosilactobacillus reuteri

We do not do sibling inference. Studies on Limosilactobacillus fermentum are not inferred to Limosilactobacillus reuteri, we do parent inference to Limosilactobacillus with no inference to Levilactobacillus, Lactiplantibacillus, Lactobacillus, nor Lacticaseibacillus (i.e. uncle inferences).

The recent reorganization of the bacteria hierarchy based on DNA makes inferences more probable.

Avoiding Inferences

It is technically possible to avoid inferences for some bacteria. For other bacteria, for example Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii, you may find just one study and that decreases only — when you want to increase it! Looking at Propionibacterium freudenreichii and inferences, you have over thirty studies. We do not know if these substances will work. There is a good probability that it may work

“Who you gonna Call? Call Sparse Data Busters!”

Using inference allows us to get suggestions with a reasonable chance of working. We give direct citations a high weight. We give inferences a diminished weight.

Microbiome Prescription works off probability estimators when using inference.

It’s your choice on Microbiome Prescription

Using inference is the user’s choice. You may agree or disagree on inference — if you disagree than please be consistent and only use the strains of probiotics cited in studies.

Vaccinations and the Microbiome

First things first — no vaccination, herb, supplement is absolutely safe for every person. To get approved for use, a vaccinated persons must have better outcomes (as a group) than an unvaccinated person. I am of the early vaccinated generation. A class mate got Polio as a child recovered, and then later in life developed  Post-Polio syndrome. I got the Polio shots and was fine. A vaccine for whopping cough was not available when I was born, I got it and suffered some brain damage to my speech center. I once met someone my age that suffered major brain damage after whopping cough. Taking a shot for whopping cough has much less risk of life long adverse effects than getting it. I am pro-vaccination, being of the generation that saw disease after disease ripple through the population causing much harm. I do not want those times to return…..

Your Microbiome determines how effective the Vaccine is

  • Antibiotics-driven gut microbiome perturbation alters immunity to vaccines in humans [2019]
  • “the abundance of Prevotella copri and two Megamonas species were enriched in individuals with fewer adverse events” [2021]
  • Bifidobacterium adolescentis was enriched in high-responders while Bacteroides vulgatusBacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Ruminococcus gnavus were more abundant in low-responders ” [2021]
  • “At 1 month after second dose of vaccination, seven species including B. adolescentisA. equolifaciens and A. celatus were more abundant whereas B. vulgatus remained less abundant in high responders” [2021]
  • Lactobacillaceae, Rumen family, and Clostridium bacteria were associated with vaccine efficacy [2021]
  • The abundance of Clostridium and Lactonemae was positively correlated with vaccine efficacy [2020]
  • “Of the species altered following vaccination, 79.4% and 42.0% in the CoronaVac and BNT162b2 groups, respectively, recovered at 6 months.” [2023]
  • Bilophila abundance was associated with better serological response, while Streptococcus was associated with poorer response.'[2023]
  • “vaccination can also change the composition of the gut microbiome. We found that 1 month after a second vaccine dose, the relative abundances of Bacteroides caccae increased significantly” [2023]
  • “This study demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in alpha diversity and a shift in gut microbiota composition following vaccination, characterised by reductions in Actinobacteriota, Blautia, Dorea, Adlercreutzia, Asacchaobacter, Coprococcus, Streptococcus, Collinsella and Ruminococcus spp and an increase in Bacteroides cacaae and Alistipes shahii. ” [2022]
  • Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium appeared to be microbial markers of individuals with higher spike IgG titers, while Cloacibacillus was associated with low spike IgG titers. ” [2023]
  • “vaccine responders were associated with an increased abundance of Streptococcus Bovis and decreased abundance of Bacteroides phylum;’ [2017]
  • “Responders were associated with increased Streptococcus Bovis abundance and decreased Bacteroides phylum abundance” [2018]
  • “Proteus and Egella abundance were positively correlated with vaccine efficacy, and Fusobacterium and Enterobacteriaceae were negatively correlated with vaccine efficacy” [2020]
  • “The abundance of Bifidobacterium longum subspecies was positively correlated ; Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae, and Pseudomonas abundance were inversely correlated with vaccine efficacy [2019]

The Specific Vaccine and Your Microbiome

It is possible that the microbiome alteration caused by a vaccination will interact with an existing microbiome dysbiosis and cause adverse effects. The adverse effect could move the microbiome into a stable and more severe dysbiosis — the claims of a child developing autism after a vaccination is viable. The vaccination may be just a contributing cause to an existing disposition. The literature below suggests that there is no statistically significant evidence supporting some people beliefs.

A 2024 study found “Rates of early childhood vaccine receipt did not differ between autistic and non-autistic cohorts.” as well as “Notice of Retraction: Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccination and Autism” indicating early studies claiming association was questionable, if not outright ideological. “At the same time, other environmental factors, such as vaccination, maternal smoking, or alcohol consumption, are not linked to the risk of ASD. ” [2024]

ME/CFS – short live recovery from Miyarisan

Back Story

I have severe /very severe ME/CFS and have noticed partially dramatic changes (although short lived) when taking a probiotic, especially Miyarisan[Clostridium butyricum].


Sample Comparison

My general impression is that this person has lost some ground in terms of reference ranges(more found at extremes), but has gained ground with Kegg Compounds and Enzymes (less ones at extremes).

To get better insights, I added a Pattern Matching Comparison. Only symptoms marked in either samples are compared. We see some improvement happened.

Going Forward

My updated starting point with the new UI when the person has one or more conditions picked to [Beginner-Symptoms: Select bacteria connected with symptoms]. As shown below, we have a large number of symptoms matching the patterns from our data analysis. This suggests that we are likely to pick the right bacteria to focus on (based on statistical evidence – which any skilled person can reproduce using data on https://citizenscience.microbiomeprescription.com/).

The top suggestions are below

As well as the top avoids


The top probiotics using published studies on PubMed were:

With the new UI, we also have probiotics computed from RNA/DNA of your microbiome and probiotics. Usually I select only low compounds (i.e. some bacteria will be inhibited from starvation).

As is typical with ME/CFS, the top ones are E.Coli probiotics.

I checked each of the PubMed suggestion to see their relative impact and put in [ ] below.

I would start with aor / probiotic-3, then one of the Lactobacillus reuteri , then Lactobacillus gasseri and end with miyarisan. While aor and miyarisan both contain the same bacteria species, they are different strains.

  • Food avoid list is high in food containing fiber (in agreement with diet style)

Update using new Simple UI

We see our forecast symptoms being accurate very often as shown below, so I did [Beginner-Symptoms: Select bacteria connected with symptoms]. The intent is to focus solely on the bacteria likely causing the symptoms. There were 141 symptoms associations use which resulted in just 50 bacteria being picked. Often the same group of bacteria will cause multiple symptoms (depending on a person’s DNA etc).

The result was dominated by antibiotics and other off-label prescription items (needing a cooperative MD).

Swinging to Probiotics — the usual starting point for many people. The top choices were:

These are based on probiotics that has had clinical studies done on them. In other words, those likely to inhibit or encourage desired bacteria shifts. An alternative approach to look for probiotics that produce metabolites and enzymes that the person appears to be low on. The goal is reduce the dysbiosis caused by starvation. The top suggestions are:

  • Escherichia coli – Mutaflor, Symbioflor2 [48 / 103] and on the to take list above.
  • Bacillus clausii [34 / 72]
  • Bacillus subtilis [32 / 68]
  • Lacticaseibacillus casei [25 /54]
  • Lacticaseibacillus paracasei [25 / 55]
  • Lactobacillus gasseri [14 / 38]

The safest trinity of probiotics is: Escherichia coli, Lacticaseibacillus casei, and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei. Taking each for 1-2 weeks and then rotate to the next. With Lactobacillus gasseri and the two bacillus being worth an experiment afterwards

Important Note: The reader updated their symptoms and this is with the updated symptoms. Changing the selection of bacteria will usually cause shifts of suggestions (see this post)

Bottom Line

The user report of improvement with miyarisan and the suggestions are a nice agreement to see. The issue of being short termed is not atypical to see when there is no rotation of probiotics and antibiotics.

IMHO, probiotics should be viewed as natural antibiotics. As with all antibiotics, antibiotic resistance (probiotic resistance) may developed from continuous use. For Lactobacillus reuteri we have Reuterin; for Clostridium butyricum we have: CBP22, Butyricin 7423, Butyricum M588, Perfringocin 1105. (see Effects of Clostridium butyricum as an Antibiotic Alternative [2023]).

The same applies to herbs and spices with antibiotic characteristics… resistance will often develop from continuous use.

Postscript and Reminder

As a statistician with relevant degrees and professional memberships, I present data and statistical models for evaluation by medical professionals. I am not a licensed medical practitioner and must adhere to strict laws regarding the appearance of practicing medicine. My work focuses on academic models and scientific language, particularly statistics. I cannot provide direct medical advice or tell individuals what to take or avoid.My analyses aim to inform about items that statistically show better odds of improving the microbiome. All suggestions should be reviewed by a qualified medical professional before implementation. The information provided describes my logic and thinking and is not intended as personal medical advice. Always consult with your knowledgeable healthcare provider.

Implementation Strategies

  1. Rotate bacteria inhibitors (antibiotics, herbs, probiotics) every 1-2 weeks
  2. Some herbs/spices are compatible with probiotics (e.g., Wormwood with Bifidobacteria)
  3. Verify dosages against reliable sources or research studies, not commercial product labels. This Dosages page may help.
  4. There are 3 suppliers of probiotics that I prefer: Custom Probiotics Maple Life Science™Bulk Probiotics: see Probiotics post for why
  5. My preferred provider for herbs etc is Maple Life Science™ – they are all organic, fresh, without fillers, and very reasonably priced.

Professional Medical Review Recommended

Individual health conditions may make some suggestions inappropriate. Mind Mood Microbes outlines some of what her consultation service considers:
A comprehensive medical assessment should consider:

  • Terrain-related data
  • Signs of low stomach acid, pancreatic function, bile production, etc.
  • Detailed health history
  • Specific symptom characteristics (e.g., type and location of bloating)
  • Potential underlying conditions (e.g., H-pylori, carbohydrate digestion issues)
  • Individual susceptibility to specific probiotics
  • Nature of symptoms (e.g., headache type – pressure, cluster, or migraine)
  • Possible histamine issues
  • Colon acidity levels
  • SCFA production and acidification needs

A knowledgeable medical professional can help tailor recommendations to your specific health needs and conditions.

An Anhedonic Reader

Back Story

Started feeling slightly tired in 2014, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. Around 2016 I am told the fatigue I am suffering from is likely caused by depression and so I take various SSRIS for 4 years. They made me anhedonic[inability to feel pleasure] and actually caused fatigue to somewhat worsen.

In 2022 after recovering from covid, I take aj immune boosting supplement to try and finally break free from the fatigue I was suffering. It actually worked and brought me back to life, which is when I decided ro come off my SSRI.

This was a mistake. It made me even more anhedonic and caused me to crash. I have not recovered since.

Lately, I have been dealing with actinic acid build up which is very weird for me as I was a professional athlete. 


This has been sitting in my backlog (waiting for feedback from reader). I just discovered that he has since done a second sample, so this is a revision and update.


I do not know how many of the suggestions made in the earlier draft was done. Note that we went from 760 bacteria down to 447 (just 58%). So for most of the numbers below, we need to see at least a 50% drop in bacteria for something to be an improvement. Most of these measures failed to make this criteria.

We have added a new comparison table of changes of fit to reported symptoms. This also show a general loss of ground.

With the new UI appearance, I am also trying to keep the analysis simple by not obfuscating with too many measures.

Going Forward

I am going to do [Beginner-Symptoms: Select bacteria connected with symptoms] and then [Probiotic computed from Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes compounds].

We ended up with 8 bacteria being selected. The top suggestions are shown below

With best probiotics being: CustomProbiotics.com / L. Salivarius Probiotic Powder and Bulk Probiotics / L. Helveticus Probiotic Powder.

I decided to also try [Novice: Just tell me what to take or avoid] which increased the selected bacteria to 23. There are some similarities and differences (to be expected from the targeted bacteria increasing from 8 to 23)

The probiotics suggested were the same.

Going to KEGG Probiotics

We have a very different list. One jumps out: E.Coli probiotics. The number is the number of low compounds that it increases.

Checking with the earlier suggestions we see

My Probiotics Bottom Line

I would run with these 4 probiotics (taking each for one week and then rotating to the next)

Why did I go with two from KEGG? The reason is simple — this is computed across the entire microbiome and does not depend on someone doing studies. The two other ones are based on published studies.

All of the above are typically deficient in samples (or assumed by some medical practitioners to be the cause of issues). This is not the case, and suggestions reflect this.

Items to Take

I would work off the two lists above – there is a reasonable amount of agreement. I note that fiber and high fiber foods are common on both of to-avoid list as is wheat, gluten (and bifidobacterium probiotics).

General Guidance

For items to take, remember that goal is to disrupt the dysbiosis. This means subjecting it to constantly changing “shocks” so it is unable to adapt. This has been shown to be effective when dealing with antibiotics (i.e. rotating between different antibiotics with breaks is more effective than taking the same antibiotic continuously). It likely applies to probiotics and herbs.

Postscript – and Reminder

I am not a licensed medical professional and there are strict laws where I live about “appearing to practice medicine”.  I am safe when it is “academic models” and I keep to the language of science, especially statistics. I am not safe when the explanations have possible overtones of advising a patient instead of presenting data to be evaluated by a medical professional before implementing.

I cannot tell people what they should take or not take. I can inform people items that have better odds of improving their microbiome as a results on numeric calculations. I am a trained experienced statistician with appropriate degrees and professional memberships. All suggestions should be reviewed by your medical professional before starting.

The answers above describe my logic and thinking and is not intended to give advice to this person or any one. Always review with your knowledgeable medical professional.

ME/CFS Patient continues the trek to recovery

Prior Posts

Dealing with ME/CFS and many microbiome dysfunction is rarely a short journey

Recent Story

Some supplements that I have been taking since the last test:

  • Tetracycline 
  • Clove 
  • Holy basil (Neem)
  • Augmentin + Bromelain 
  • Grapefruit seed extract 
  • Monolaurin
  • Apple peel powder 
  • Thyme

My symptoms:

  • Still get the red nose (some form of rosacea). 
  • Still feel fatigued (both physically and mentally). But it is better than before.
  • Feeling stressed. But it is better than before.
  • Brain fog.
  • Bloated.
  • Lots of gas – I fart and burps a lot. 
  • Issues with allergies (itching eyes, stuffed nose and itchy skin)



We will start with the high-level comparison. Note that some numbers will change with time. There are no major changes. Since the latest sample reports 20% more bacteria, many counts are expected to be 20% higher – for example: Thorne Ranges: old: 230 + 20% = 276, with the seen count being 253 (so an apparent improvement although the number went up)

Lab Read Quality9.
Outside Range from GanzImmun Diagostics1616161515171720
Outside Range from Lab Teletest23 20 202424222225
Outside Range from Medivere1416161515151519
Outside Range from Metagenomics67799778
Outside Range from Microba Co-Biome32277111
Outside Range from MyBioma6577778
Outside Range from Nirvana/CosmosId2120202323181821
Outside Range from Thorne (20/80%ile)253230198223223217217246
Outside Range from XenoGene3232 243232363639
Outside Lab Range (+/- 1.96SD)121510119914
Outside Box-Plot-Whiskers4852564236425942
Outside Kaltoft-Moldrup113 123 70139567859140
Bacteria Reported By Lab600508399666478613456572
Bacteria Over 85%ile4852      
Bacteria Under 15%ile118157      
Pathogens23 26 253023392430
Condition Est. Over 85%ile25      

There is a new comparison table added that compares sets of symptoms bacteria for symptoms reported in either sample. This is a thought experiment on a different way of evaluating the microbiome, i.e. are symptom bacteria reducing. Remembering that we have 20% more bacteria reported, the improvement may be slightly under-reported.

Going Forward

My current preference is to use symptom associations suggestions with KEGG suggested suggestions. This assumes that the person has added their symptoms.

Using Entered symptoms

Since this person has access to antibiotics, I opted to include all classes of modifiers. We have 38 bacteria selected — a reasonable number

The suggests were a nice mixture for ME/CFS. Typically, I see the top being just antibiotics, in this case we have several probiotics there.

And suggested retail probiotics are:

Using Diagnosis and PubMed

Using a diagnosis provides less precise filtering compounded by different labs (with different identification of bacteria). If the person is using a lab that lacks a large number of annotated samples from that lab, then it is the best path.

The suggested path is to go down the list and pick the ones that has the highest value(s) that agrees with one or more of the diagnoses that you have.

In this case we have only 4 bacteria in the selection, so the suggestions will be likely more generic than specific.

There are no antibiotics in this list

The probiotic list is below. It has some similarities to the above list.

Using KEGG Derived Probiotics

This is an experimental approach that attempts to do a metagnòmia approach from the available data. We estimate which compounds are too high or too low. Then we match them to probiotics which produce or consumes them. Postbiotics can be used for items that are too low. There is no filtering of any type; we look at the entire microbiome.

The results are different — as to be expected. Why expected? The prior ways depended on studies being done what each probiotics bacterium does. Often there are no studies. This way uses the DNA/RNA sequences of everything and thus we do not need studies.

I usually focus on too low, with the assumption that a surplus will just be ignored or has less impact (i.e. starvation versus obesity) We can see where there is agreement between the lists.

  • aor / probiotic-3 is [30]
  • bioflorin (deu) / bioflorin is [25]
  • miyarisan (jp) / miyarisan is [22]
  • Microbiome Labs / MEGA Genesis is [27]
  • Bulk Probiotics / L. Reuteri Probiotic Powder is [27]

Consensus View?

You can build consensus views, a.k.a. Monte Carlo model, but IMHO that is likely done by those that want to “over work the problem”.

Summary of Suggestions

Remember these are suggestions, and NOT a protocol. What you actually do should be reviewed by a knowledgeable medical professional before starting.

My own proposal for discussion would be:

This can be made more complex by using consensus / Monte Carlo Model

Reader Plan

Microbiome Prescription produces suggestions, the weights/priorities are the odds of causing a change and not the amount of change (there is simply no objective data to compute the amount). This reader did their own evaluation of what they felt comfortable with (excellent idea).

I have also bought 2 more tests so I will do them with max 3 months apart as you said in the video.

I came up with this protocol by using the “Beginner-Symptoms: Select bacteria connected with symptoms”:

  • Week 1-2: Gum arabic
  • Week 3-4: Monolarin (lauric acid)
  • Week 5-6: Psyllium
  • Week 7-8: Rosemary 
  • Week 9-10: Parsley
  • Week 11-12: SymbioFlor-2

I found that I get best results from herbs, prebiotics and antibiotics. The only probiotic I’ve got good results from is Symbioflor 2 (an E.Coli probiotic) [Editor: E.Coli probiotics also worked best for me]

A lot of probiotics that I’ve tested I’ve got bad results from. 

Postscript and Reminder

As a statistician with relevant degrees and professional memberships, I present data and statistical models for evaluation by medical professionals. I am not a licensed medical practitioner and must adhere to strict laws regarding the appearance of practicing medicine. My work focuses on academic models and scientific language, particularly statistics. I cannot provide direct medical advice or tell individuals what to take or avoid.My analyses aim to inform about items that statistically show better odds of improving the microbiome. All suggestions should be reviewed by a qualified medical professional before implementation. The information provided describes my logic and thinking and is not intended as personal medical advice. Always consult with your knowledgeable healthcare provider.

Implementation Strategies

  1. Rotate bacteria inhibitors (antibiotics, herbs, probiotics) every 1-2 weeks
  2. Some herbs/spices are compatible with probiotics (e.g., Wormwood with Bifidobacteria)
  3. Verify dosages against reliable sources or research studies, not commercial product labels. This Dosages page may help.
  4. There are 3 suppliers of probiotics that I prefer: Custom Probiotics , Maple Life Science™, Bulk Probiotics: see Probiotics post for why
  5. My preferred provider for herbs etc is Maple Life Science™ – they are all organic, fresh, without fillers, and very reasonably priced.

Professional Medical Review Recommended

Individual health conditions may make some suggestions inappropriate. Mind Mood Microbes outlines some of what her consultation service considers:
A comprehensive medical assessment should consider:

  • Terrain-related data
  • Signs of low stomach acid, pancreatic function, bile production, etc.
  • Detailed health history
  • Specific symptom characteristics (e.g., type and location of bloating)
  • Potential underlying conditions (e.g., H-pylori, carbohydrate digestion issues)
  • Individual susceptibility to specific probiotics
  • Nature of symptoms (e.g., headache type – pressure, cluster, or migraine)
  • Possible histamine issues
  • Colon acidity levels
  • SCFA production and acidification needs

A knowledgeable medical professional can help tailor recommendations to your specific health needs and conditions.

Microbiome Tests Obfuscation of the Microbiome

The cartoon below illustrates what 6 different microbiome testing companies report on a person’s microbiome. This is not talking about 6 different samples from a stool — but from a single FASTQ digital file from a stool. In other words, all of them got the identical digital data.

For background, see The taxonomy nightmare before Christmas….

There are parallels between Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes” and the certainty of correct identification of bacteria often expressed by many microbiome researchers should be noted. “Andersen altered the source tale to direct the focus on courtly [academic] pride and intellectual vanity “

Attached you will find a PowerPoint PDF with a YouTube presentation. The target is treating Medical Practitioners. Despite these issues, the microbiome test data can be very useful after some data manipulation and with a suitable reference data set.

Above is a detailed walk through targeted for Medical Practitioners on using the Microbiome to treat Long COVID and ME/CFS. New findings on strong associations (P less than 0.001) derived from the microbiome to these conditions. Discussion of how these finding can lead to treatment suggestions on an individual basis (instead of generic suggestions). Associations listed in full at:

Formal Statement of Microbiome Prescription Model

The following looks at a holisitic approach to generate suggestions for microbiome dysfunctions, symptoms (that may be microbiome associated) and diagnosis (that have microbiome patterns).

This model (or variation there of) is being used by several microbiome testing companies today. See the bottom for example of clinical success.

This post illustrate the process and is not a precise match for current implemenation on Microbiome Prescription (which continuously evolves over time).

Native taxa weights

The first step is to get a weight for each taxa in a sample to identify what should be altered and the importance of each. With shotgun samples, there may be over 7000 different taxa.

The simple first step is to just do a lookup compare to ranges for each taxa (assuming there is sufficient data to compute ranges). Then assign weights based on the sample positioning in the ranges. The key function (tax_range) is often a complex function which may incorporate percentage, percentile, gender, age, diet style, and bacteria hierarchy. For example, Lachnospiraceae bacterium GAM79 may dominate and result in Lachnospiraceae being given no weight and thus expert system rules may be involved.

Conceptually, it is the importance of a bacteria to be shifted with the desired direction of shift converted to a numeric value or vector of values.

This is called a native taxa weights .

Presentation taxa weight.

These native taxa weights are then modified by the presence or absences of diagnosis and symptoms. Conditions are not either/or. A good example is Autism which has a wide spectrum of levels. A bacteria known associated with a condition will likely have an increase weight. A bacteria with no known associations will have a decreased or no weight. This is called a presentation taxa weight. As above, it may be a single value or a vector of values.

Modifier Matrix

We drop the taxa weight into our grid as show below. We show the weigh as a single value below. With a positive weight indicating something to increase and a negative weight indicating something to decrease. The “-1 to 1” indicates a factor.

We now want to maximize the value of the suggestions, i.e.

Sum Over All Bacteria( FactorVit B1 * AmountVit B1 +FactorVit B2 * AmountVit B2 + etc)

Amount often becomes a 1 or 0 (take or do not take) when there is no dosage related data. Factormodifier may be multidimension function on occasion. For example, it values may depend on other factors being selected. This can result in iterations that was the goal the Simula programming language. That is, you get the first naive suggestions(no dependencies), then feed the results into the next iteration.

We can rotate our focus to obtain lists of “to take” and “to avoid”

Sum Over All Bacteria( FactorVit B1 * AmountVit B1)

Factors are often computed from a variety of factors, a few examples:

  • the number of studies reporting a shift (often studies disagree),
  • the magnitude of the shift (and/or P value),
  • the modifier (a specific probiotic strain, a probiotic mixture, a species)
  • context of the studies (humans, mice, pigs, fish, fouls).

Then We enter the Casino…

Rather than arguing over exactly which formulae for weights are correct. We make use of multiple reasonable formulae. Each is run independently and we then apply Monte Carlo modelling to these results.

Linearity is Dangerous To Assume

Our experience is that assuming linearity produces poor results. We found that doing cross validation allows this host of functions to be tuned.

Inferences should also be factored in, i.e. if a modifier alters Lactobacillus genus without details on individual species, most people will assume that it will alter some of the species — unfortunately, there are many studies reporting that lactobacillus increased with some species decreasing and other increasing.

The key issue is dealing with very sparse data that is often heavily conditioned, i.e.

This may explain why wieghts can be vectors of values.

This is where the art of microbiome manipulation comes in.

Clinical Success

Personal Experiences

Via our free for personal use (not commercial/medical office use) we have had many people have done a sample with one of many supported labs, obtained suggestions from the above model and implemented some, and then done a second sample. For everyone that has done this, there has been OBJECTIVE and SUBJECTIVE improvement. I was expecting > 50% only, but we are running 90+%.  For example analysis from those who consented to share, see this collection dealing with Long COVID and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

A recent example is shown below using multiple “measuring sticks” from different labs. We see clear improvement.

We also have associations of symptoms to bacteria using our 5000+ donated samples annotated with symptoms. Often the associations exceed P < 0.001 on a lab specific basis. From this data we can give percentage estimates on pattern matching to symptoms. Below is an example for the person shown above.

We see improvement across all of the top symptoms.

We do not look at “cure” (that does happen sometimes), but reduction of symptoms as our criteria.

We have had incidental reports of it appearing to improve the success rate and speed of remission for some cancers.

AI Cross Validation

Additionally we have done cross validation against the literature.  We take the microbiome shifts reported for a condition across multiple studies, run those shifts through the engine, then see how many of the top suggestions have been found to improve this condition according to published studies using those suggestions.  An example is here: Cross Validation of AI Suggestions for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease .

While not a clinical study as such, it shows that our suggestions appear to agree with results from third party clinical studies.