Chronic sinus infections & Chronic diarrhea


I’ve found your work through PR forum and then your website, it’s really interesting reading all that information and feeling so related to the issues.

For the last year I’ve been house bounded and sometimes bed bounded, all coming from ignoring one year of daily sandy-yellowish diarrhea along with a series of chronic sinus infections that one after another left me in a worst health state to finally being isolated fearing further infections.

I’ve been reading and investigating, trying methylation protocols and probiotics. The probiotic I took was fairly simple (bifidobacterium bifidum and lactobacillus acidophilus) but gave me pretty bad reaction which got me thinking about histamine release, one Google search showed me that those strains are not histamine releases but what it does (acidophilus) is increase D-lactic production and what other bacteria could do this? Streptococous, the one which probably caused my chronic sinusitis.

This is how I ended up thinking that I really need to know if I have those kind of bacterial overgrowth in my guts and reading your work thougth that you could have some advice to start learning how to do it.


Given that sinus is significant, this study may be worth a read: Oral bacteria relative abundance in faeces increases due to gut microbiota depletion and is linked with patient outcomes, 2024.

I looked at “Leaked” from Oral Cavity and while the count places him at 49%ile, the number of bacteria was much longer than usual — a lot of different bacteria at low levels which suggests a new statistics to add in the next revision.

Going Forward

Since symptoms are entered, I am just using the Just Give Me Suggestions with Symptoms button.

The suggestions are below, trimmed a little

  • sucralose
  • lauric acid(fatty acid in coconut oil,in palm kernel oil,)
  • enterococcus faecium (probiotic)
  • garlic (allium sativum)
  • momordia charantia(bitter melon, karela, balsam pear, or bitter gourd)
  • Tudca – Tauroursodeoxycholic acid , a supplement
  • lactobacillus casei (probiotics)
  • whole-grain barley
  • fruit/legume fibre
  • bifidobacterium infantis,(probiotics)
  • dates
  • grape polyphenols
  • naringenin(grapefruit) (Flavonoid)
  • Cacao
  • rosa rugosa (Rosavin – an adaptogen)
  • Hesperidin (polyphenol)
  • Nicotine, Nicotine Patch
  • galla chinensis (herb)
  • Grapefruit seed extract
  • lactobacillus gasseri (probiotics)
  • thyme (thymol, thyme oil)
  • foeniculum vulgare,fennel
  • Turmeric
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC),
  • Onion

I will create two extracts: one for probiotics and one for teas (i.e. herbs).

Looking at probiotics, we have a good number that would allow easy rotation of probiotics. Two are usually difficult to obtain are removed: lactobacillus kefiri and lactobacillus sakei . Most are available at my usual two preferred sources: Custom Probiotics and Indian Bulk Exporter (Maple Life Sources). See this list for sources not available there. By rotation, I mean 20-50 BCFU daily of one probiotic for 2 weeks and then change to another probiotic.

  • enterococcus faecium
  • lactobacillus casei [CB,MLS]
  • bifidobacterium infantis, [CB,MLS]
  • lactobacillus gasseri [CB,MLS]
  • lactobacillus jensenii [MS]
  • lactobacillus salivarius [CB,MLS]
  • pediococcus acidilactic
  • bifidobacterium breve [CB,MLS]
  • bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum,
  • bifidobacterium longum [CB,MLS]
  • bacillus coagulans

While taking herbs as capsules or oils is very viable, herbal teas has the advantage of effecting the oral cavity (and thus sinus) and extends through the entire system.

  • thyme
  • fennel
  • anise
  • chamomile
  • eugenol (from clove oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, basil,bay leaf.)
  • peppermint
  • sage
  • tulsi
  • neem
  • oregano
  • ginger

Items to avoid or reduce

  • Slippery Elm
  • wheat bran, rice bran
  • xylan (prebiotic)
  • inulin (prebiotic)
  • arabinogalactan (prebiotic)
  • stevia, saccharin
  • resistant starch, resistant maltodextrin, slow digestible carbohydrates
  • Human milk oligosaccharides (prebiotic, Holigos, Stachyose)
  • red wine
  • pectin
  • l-citrulline (supplement)
  • berberine (supplement)
  • Pulses
  • apples, nuts, banana
  • galacto-oligosaccharides (prebiotic)
  • low-fat diets, high beef diet, high red meat, animal-based diet, hypocaloric hyperproteic diet
  • iron
  • Pork
  • kefir
  • bacillus licheniformis,(probiotics)
  • fasting
  • galactose (milk sugar)
  • propionate
  • Guaiacol (polyphenol)

Postscript – and Reminder

I am not a licensed medical professional and there are strict laws where I live about “appearing to practice medicine”.  I am safe when it is “academic models” and I keep to the language of science, especially statistics. I am not safe when the explanations have possible overtones of advising a patient instead of presenting data to be evaluated by a medical professional before implementing.

I cannot tell people what they should take or not take. I can inform people items that have better odds of improving their microbiome as a results on numeric calculations. I am a trained experienced statistician with appropriate degrees and professional memberships. All suggestions should be reviewed by your medical professional before starting.

The answers above describe my logic and thinking and is not intended to give advice to this person or any one. Always review with your knowledgeable medical professional.