The use of percentile when you have a very non-normal distribution does an elegant transformation of the data to a continuous uniform distribution. Our earlier note was based on statistical differences from the mean of the percentages; I repeated the process but used the mean of the percentiles.
One should be aware that for a specific bacteria, the mean(percentage) may have less then mean(percentile) being significant for some bacteria; while the mean(percentile) may have more than mean(percentile) being significant for other bacteria. In short, directionality is not preserved by the transformation to percentile. This is rarely the case with a normal distribution but does happen with microbiome data. It is a worthwhile exercise to understand this behavior because it is at odds with “common sense” but very true mathematically. Familiarity with the Cauchy distribution may help with the mind shift.
Bottom Line Summary
Using the percentile is slightly superior for prediction. Remember that 16% is the percentage expected from a random predictor. Remember by match, we means how often we get matches to predicted
Method | Average Correct Prediction Match | Winner on a Symptom | Average Taxons |
Mean(Percentile) | 23.5% | 161 | 126 |
Mean(Percentage) | 22.9% | 96 | 97 |
The details by symptoms is below.
Symptom Name | Percentile Match | Mean Match |
Comorbid: Inflammatory bowel disease | 26.69 | 25.37 |
Infection: Lyme | 26.39 | 26.26 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Muscle Pain (i.e., sensations of pain or aching in your muscles. This does not include weakness or pain in other areas such as joints) | 26.37 | 21.69 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Easily irritated | 26.30 | 21.03 |
Neurological-Vision: Blurred Vision | 26.25 | 25.09 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Tense muscles | 26.05 | 26.27 |
Neurological: Difficulty reading | 25.98 | 23.59 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Weight change | 25.85 | 25.79 |
Immune Manifestations: Hair loss | 25.76 | 22.25 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Tingling feeling | 25.75 | 24.20 |
Post-exertional malaise: Next-day soreness after everyday activities | 25.74 | 23.13 |
Neurological-Vision: inability to focus eye/vision | 25.74 | 22.38 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Muscle weakness | 25.66 | 22.68 |
Comorbid: Mold Sensitivity / Exposure | 25.62 | 26.26 |
Immune: Sensitivity to smell/food/medication/chemicals | 25.62 | 21.61 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: intolerance of extremes of heat and cold | 25.56 | 21.52 |
General: Heavy feeling in arms and legs | 25.53 | 23.32 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Blurred Vision | 25.53 | 22.49 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty comprehending Information | 25.50 | 22.24 |
General: Myalgia (pain) | 25.49 | 24.54 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Pain in Multiple Joints without Swelling or Redness | 25.44 | 22.90 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : New trouble with math | 25.44 | 25.87 |
Neurological: Executive Decision Making (Difficulty making) | 25.40 | 23.39 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Chilled or shivery | 25.38 | 25.74 |
Neurological-Sleep: Inability for deep (delta) sleep | 25.32 | 23.24 |
Neurological: Difficulty processing information (Understanding) | 25.29 | 23.57 |
Post-exertional malaise: Rapid muscular fatigability, | 25.28 | 21.44 |
Other: Sensitivity to mold | 25.26 | 24.17 |
Comorbid: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) | 25.25 | 20.96 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty falling asleep | 25.17 | 21.08 |
Pain: Joint pain | 25.17 | 23.25 |
Immune Manifestations: Inflammation of skin, eyes or joints | 25.14 | 23.55 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty following things | 25.13 | 22.84 |
Virus: Epstein-Barr virus | 25.09 | 23.30 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Temperature lower than normal | 25.07 | 22.82 |
Immune Manifestations: Chronic Flatus / Flatulence / gas | 25.00 | 21.39 |
Post-exertional malaise: Mentally tired after the slightest effort | 24.93 | 22.40 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Sensitivity to Alcohol | 24.86 | 22.52 |
Neurological: Dysautonomia | 24.83 | 22.95 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Muscle weakness | 24.80 | 22.64 |
Neurocognitive: Difficulty expressing thoughts | 24.75 | 20.27 |
Onset: 2000-2010 | 24.72 | 21.89 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Upset stomach | 24.70 | 24.95 |
Immune Manifestations: Inflammation (General) | 24.60 | 21.97 |
Comorbid-Mouth: Bruxism – Jaw cleanching / Teeth grinding | 24.59 | 21.65 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Chemical sensitivity | 24.58 | 25.19 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty reasoning things out | 24.57 | 22.94 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Confusion/disorientation | 24.56 | 25.87 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Frequently loose train of thought | 24.55 | 23.09 |
Post-exertional malaise: Difficulty reading after mild physical or mental activity | 24.54 | 20.25 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Trouble expressing thoughts | 24.52 | 23.70 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Shortness of breath | 24.49 | 22.88 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Abnormal sensitivity to light | 24.45 | 24.32 |
Post-exertional malaise: Physically tired after minimum exercise | 24.44 | 21.70 |
Official Diagnosis: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) | 24.44 | 20.20 |
Neurological-Sleep: Sleep Apnea | 24.43 | 30.42 |
Neurocognitive: Absent-mindedness or forgetfulness | 24.42 | 21.07 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Poor gut motility | 24.42 | 20.04 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Slowness of thought | 24.41 | 23.01 |
Gender: Female | 24.41 | 20.35 |
Post-exertional malaise: Rapid cognitive fatigability, | 24.40 | 21.05 |
Neurological: Cognitive/Sensory Overload | 24.39 | 22.84 |
Post-exertional malaise: Inappropriate loss of physical and mental stamina, | 24.39 | 20.33 |
Sleep: Problems falling asleep | 24.37 | 19.75 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Eye pain | 24.35 | 22.92 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Unrefreshing Sleep, that is waking up feeling tired | 24.33 | 20.49 |
Neurocognitive: Unable to focus vision and/or attention | 24.32 | 24.34 |
Immune Manifestations: Mucus in the stool | 24.32 | 23.08 |
Immune Manifestations: Constipation | 24.32 | 19.42 |
Physical: Work-Sitting | 24.31 | 20.96 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Mood swings | 24.30 | 22.58 |
Neurological-Sleep: Insomnia | 24.27 | 20.91 |
Post-exertional malaise: Muscle fatigue after mild physical activity | 24.26 | 21.75 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Ringing in the Ears | 24.25 | 22.34 |
Immune Manifestations: new food sensitivities | 24.25 | 21.28 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: cold extremities | 24.24 | 19.68 |
Comorbid-Mouth: Dry Mouth | 24.24 | 24.13 |
Neurocognitive: Feeling disoriented | 24.24 | 24.51 |
Neuroendocrine: Alcohol intolerance | 24.24 | 20.91 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Does physical activity make you feel worse | 24.24 | 21.37 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty finding the right word | 24.23 | 20.46 |
Neurological: Neuropathy | 24.20 | 24.34 |
Comorbid: Migraine | 24.20 | 24.54 |
Neurological: emotional overload | 24.20 | 24.17 |
Age: 40-50 | 24.20 | 18.92 |
Immune Manifestations: Abdominal Pain | 24.19 | 21.59 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Rapid muscular fatiguability | 24.13 | 22.24 |
Post-exertional malaise: Physically drained or sick after mild activity | 24.06 | 22.15 |
Physical: Amalgam fillings | 24.06 | 22.43 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: marked weight change | 24.05 | 24.83 |
Pain: Pain or aching in muscles | 24.05 | 21.54 |
Autonomic Manifestations: Orthostatic intolerance | 24.04 | 23.20 |
Neuroendocrine: Lost or gained weight without trying | 24.02 | 22.19 |
Neurological: Impairment of concentration | 24.01 | 21.29 |
Neuroendocrine: Feeling hot or cold for no reason | 24.00 | 22.53 |
Onset: Sudden | 24.00 | 21.03 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Absent-mindedness | 23.99 | 23.34 |
Autonomic: Shortness of breath | 23.96 | 24.04 |
Sleep: Unrefreshed sleep | 23.96 | 18.84 |
Neurological: Short-term memory issues | 23.96 | 20.71 |
Autonomic Manifestations: irritable bowel syndrome | 23.94 | 22.18 |
Physical: Steps Per Day 4000-8000 | 23.93 | 21.26 |
Autonomic Manifestations: light-headedness | 23.89 | 23.75 |
Physical: Steps Per Day 2000-4000 | 23.89 | 22.21 |
Physical: Good Air Quality | 23.89 | 24.27 |
Autonomic Manifestations: urinary frequency dysfunction | 23.89 | 25.32 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Need to have to focus on one thing at a time | 23.89 | 22.37 |
Official Diagnosis: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) | 23.88 | 25.24 |
Neurological-Audio: hypersensitivity to noise | 23.88 | 22.04 |
Post-exertional malaise: General | 23.87 | 20.19 |
Post-exertional malaise: Post-exertional malaise | 23.86 | 21.48 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty staying asleep | 23.83 | 22.37 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Dry Eye (Sicca or Sjogren Syndrome) | 23.82 | 21.35 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Impaired Memory & concentration | 23.81 | 22.76 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Fatigue | 23.81 | 21.21 |
Neurological-Vision: photophobia (Light Sensitivity) | 23.81 | 25.02 |
Comorbid: Restless Leg | 23.80 | 25.29 |
General: Fatigue | 23.77 | 18.39 |
Neurocognitive: Brain Fog | 23.75 | 19.88 |
Comorbid: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity | 23.75 | 23.15 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty recalling information | 23.75 | 21.10 |
Immune Manifestations: medication sensitivities. | 23.75 | 21.01 |
Comorbid: Histamine or Mast Cell issues | 23.74 | 20.41 |
Condition: Acne | 23.74 | 21.63 |
Neurocognitive: Difficulty understanding things | 23.73 | 20.84 |
Autonomic Manifestations: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) | 23.73 | 22.83 |
Pain: Sensitivity to pain | 23.72 | 26.02 |
Joint: Tenderness | 23.72 | 24.26 |
Other: Sensitivity to vibrations | 23.68 | 25.97 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Frequently get words or numbers in the wrong order | 23.67 | 26.05 |
Neuroendocrine: Cold limbs (e.g. arms, legs hands) | 23.67 | 21.42 |
Post-exertional malaise: Worsening of symptoms after mild mental activity | 23.67 | 22.24 |
Immune Manifestations: Bloating | 23.66 | 20.51 |
General: Headaches | 23.66 | 22.25 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty retaining information | 23.63 | 23.04 |
Autonomic: Heart rate increase after standing | 23.60 | 20.51 |
Post-exertional malaise: Worsening of symptoms after mild physical activity | 23.58 | 21.27 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Forgetting what you are trying to say | 23.56 | 22.10 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Post-exertional malaise, feeling worse after doing activities that require either physical or mental exertion | 23.56 | 20.52 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: worsening of symptoms with stress. | 23.54 | 19.94 |
Condition: ME/CFS with IBS | 23.53 | 21.15 |
Comorbid: Constipation and Diarrohea (not explosions) | 23.51 | 21.70 |
Neurocognitive: Slowness of thought | 23.51 | 21.35 |
Condition: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | 23.49 | 27.09 |
Comorbid-Mouth: TMJ / Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint syndrome | 23.48 | 22.93 |
Autonomic: Dizziness or fainting | 23.47 | 25.31 |
Age: 30-40 | 23.46 | 22.59 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Slow to react | 23.44 | 23.99 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Concern with driving | 23.43 | 25.82 |
Immune Manifestations: recurrent flu-like symptoms | 23.43 | 22.86 |
Comorbid: Sleep Apnea Diagnosis | 23.41 | 27.83 |
Neurological-Audio: Tinnitus (ringing in ear) | 23.41 | 20.98 |
Autonomic Manifestations: palpitations | 23.41 | 20.80 |
Immune Manifestations: Thick blood / Hypercoagulation | 23.38 | 25.82 |
Neurocognitive: Problems remembering things | 23.35 | 21.13 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Dizziness | 23.35 | 24.74 |
Immune Manifestations: general malaise | 23.33 | 19.84 |
Sleep: Problems staying asleep | 23.33 | 20.03 |
Physical: Long term (chronic) stress | 23.30 | 22.22 |
Immune Manifestations: tender lymph nodes | 23.28 | 24.97 |
Sleep: Daytime drowsiness | 23.27 | 21.07 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Abdomen pain | 23.26 | 23.29 |
Neurocognitive: Can only focus on one thing at a time | 23.25 | 21.20 |
Pain: Aching of the eyes or behind the eyes | 23.23 | 24.86 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Depression | 23.20 | 25.30 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Anxiety/tension | 23.17 | 21.78 |
Immune Manifestations: Diarrhea | 23.17 | 22.26 |
Neurocognitive: Difficulty paying attention for a long period of time | 23.15 | 19.57 |
Official Diagnosis: Fibromyalgia | 23.11 | 25.73 |
Physical: Breastfed | 23.10 | 22.23 |
Official Diagnosis: Autism | 23.09 | 22.72 |
Official Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome | 23.07 | 19.64 |
General: Anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure) | 23.06 | 25.13 |
Age: 60-70 | 23.06 | 25.48 |
Neurological: High degree of Empathy before onset | 23.03 | 25.21 |
Blood Type: O Positive | 23.01 | 22.58 |
Physical: Steps Per Day < 2000 | 23.00 | 21.24 |
Condition: ME/CFS without IBS | 22.99 | 21.23 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Headaches | 22.99 | 22.21 |
Onset: Gradual | 22.93 | 20.90 |
Immune Manifestations: Alcohol Intolerant | 22.93 | 21.25 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Nausea | 22.93 | 25.28 |
Immune: Viral infections with prolonged recovery periods | 22.92 | 23.79 |
Neurological: Word-finding problems | 22.91 | 21.30 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Allergies | 22.91 | 21.39 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Air Hunger | 22.90 | 23.25 |
Autonomic Manifestations: Cortisol disorders or irregularity | 22.87 | 26.22 |
Official Diagnosis: Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) | 22.85 | 20.06 |
Comorbid: Methylation issues (MTHFR) | 22.85 | 24.23 |
Official Diagnosis: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) | 22.76 | 24.27 |
Joint: Stiffness and swelling | 22.75 | 25.95 |
General: Depression | 22.73 | 22.15 |
Official Diagnosis: Mast Cell Dysfunction | 22.71 | 23.61 |
Gender: Male | 22.71 | 18.29 |
Age: 50-60 | 22.66 | 21.94 |
Autonomic: Inability to tolerate an upright position | 22.63 | 25.39 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Racing heart | 22.59 | 24.64 |
Condition: Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity | 22.59 | 23.05 |
Comorbid: High Anxiety | 22.56 | 22.02 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Hot or Cold spells | 22.49 | 22.72 |
Sleep: Waking up early in the morning (e.g. 3 AM) | 22.45 | 21.76 |
Physical: Northern European | 22.44 | 21.58 |
Onset: less than 04 years since onset | 22.43 | 22.47 |
Immune: Recurrent Sore throat | 22.43 | 22.38 |
Official Diagnosis: COVID19 (Long Hauler) | 22.41 | 20.18 |
General: Sinus issues with headaches | 22.41 | 21.48 |
Blood Type: A Positive | 22.38 | 21.61 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Sore Throat | 22.37 | 25.17 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Walking up early in the morning (e.g. 3AM) | 22.37 | 21.03 |
Immune: Tender / sore lymph nodes | 22.37 | 24.62 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Need to nap during each day | 22.37 | 21.23 |
Age: 20-30 | 22.27 | 19.37 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Feel unsteady on feet | 22.26 | 23.61 |
Autonomic: Irregular heartbeats | 22.25 | 23.87 |
Onset: 2010-2020 | 22.25 | 20.01 |
Physical: Tonsils removed | 22.22 | 24.24 |
Autonomic: Nausea | 22.17 | 22.59 |
Onset: less than 32 years since onset | 22.15 | 26.14 |
Official Diagnosis: Autoimmune Disease | 22.15 | 23.09 |
Physical: Pets | 22.14 | 22.14 |
Condition: Generalized anxiety disorder | 22.13 | 27.21 |
Comorbid: Mood Swings | 22.13 | 25.38 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Feeling like you have a temperature | 22.09 | 25.22 |
Comorbid: Hypothyroidism | 22.07 | 22.74 |
Neurological-Sleep: Chaotic diurnal sleep rhythms (Erratic Sleep) | 22.03 | 25.54 |
Autonomic: Ocassional Tachycardia (Rapid heart beat) | 22.02 | 22.86 |
Comorbid: Fibromyalgia | 22.01 | 24.58 |
Immune: Chronic Sinusitis | 21.95 | 22.83 |
Official Diagnosis: Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol) | 21.94 | 28.51 |
Sleep: Need to nap daily | 21.92 | 22.57 |
Neurological: Joint hypermobility | 21.88 | 22.12 |
Autonomic Manifestations: exertional dyspnea | 21.79 | 26.96 |
Pain: Myofascial pain | 21.75 | 25.77 |
Autonomic Manifestations: nausea | 21.71 | 22.62 |
Neurological-Sleep: Night Sweats | 21.70 | 26.96 |
Immune: Flu-like symptoms | 21.66 | 21.85 |
Physical: Organic Diet | 21.62 | 23.80 |
Neuroendocrine: Temperature fluctuations throughout the day | 21.60 | 25.29 |
Neurological: Myoclonic jerks or seizures | 21.49 | 22.89 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: subnormal body temperature | 21.43 | 24.68 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Night sweats | 21.33 | 27.05 |
Neurological-Sleep: Vivid Dreams/Nightmares | 21.31 | 26.39 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: sweating episodes | 20.99 | 23.42 |
Neurological: Confusion | 20.91 | 24.86 |
Comorbid-Mouth: Gingivits / Gum Disease | 20.83 | 27.31 |
Neuroendocrine: Feeling like you have a high temperature | 20.81 | 25.65 |
Autonomic Manifestations: bladder dysfunction | 20.59 | 25.96 |
Onset: less than 02 years since onset | 20.53 | 23.60 |
Onset: less than 16 years since onset | 20.41 | 21.35 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Painful menstrual periods | 20.21 | 22.90 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Rash | 20.12 | 23.90 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Paraesthesia (tingling burning of skin) | 19.75 | 22.42 |
Official Diagnosis: Depression | 19.52 | 24.34 |
Physical: Eastern European | 19.42 | 21.21 |
Neurological: Disorientation | 18.84 | 27.99 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Excessive adrenaline | 18.16 | 25.52 |
Neurological: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) | 16.89 | 27.39 |
Looking at the bacteria taxons identified by each, we also see difference
Symptom Name | Percentile Taxons | Mean Taxons |
Age: 20-30 | 131 | 100 |
Age: 30-40 | 245 | 61 |
Age: 40-50 | 202 | 138 |
Age: 50-60 | 112 | 91 |
Age: 60-70 | 45 | 124 |
Autonomic Manifestations: bladder dysfunction | 21 | 125 |
Autonomic Manifestations: Cortisol disorders or irregularity | 51 | 126 |
Autonomic Manifestations: exertional dyspnea | 39 | 113 |
Autonomic Manifestations: irritable bowel syndrome | 195 | 94 |
Autonomic Manifestations: light-headedness | 110 | 121 |
Autonomic Manifestations: nausea | 99 | 105 |
Autonomic Manifestations: Orthostatic intolerance | 126 | 128 |
Autonomic Manifestations: palpitations | 155 | 122 |
Autonomic Manifestations: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) | 139 | 145 |
Autonomic Manifestations: urinary frequency dysfunction | 98 | 97 |
Autonomic: Dizziness or fainting | 93 | 132 |
Autonomic: Heart rate increase after standing | 175 | 155 |
Autonomic: Inability to tolerate an upright position | 68 | 115 |
Autonomic: Irregular heartbeats | 63 | 114 |
Autonomic: Nausea | 73 | 91 |
Autonomic: Ocassional Tachycardia (Rapid heart beat) | 134 | 100 |
Autonomic: Shortness of breath | 155 | 107 |
Blood Type: A Positive | 93 | 97 |
Blood Type: O Positive | 111 | 106 |
Comorbid-Mouth: Bruxism – Jaw cleanching / Teeth grinding | 165 | 97 |
Comorbid-Mouth: Dry Mouth | 132 | 121 |
Comorbid-Mouth: Gingivits / Gum Disease | 27 | 105 |
Comorbid-Mouth: TMJ / Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint syndrome | 71 | 106 |
Comorbid: Constipation and Diarrohea (not explosions) | 119 | 93 |
Comorbid: Fibromyalgia | 80 | 80 |
Comorbid: High Anxiety | 167 | 97 |
Comorbid: Histamine or Mast Cell issues | 226 | 82 |
Comorbid: Hypothyroidism | 116 | 103 |
Comorbid: Inflammatory bowel disease | 86 | 83 |
Comorbid: Methylation issues (MTHFR) | 106 | 99 |
Comorbid: Migraine | 93 | 98 |
Comorbid: Mold Sensitivity / Exposure | 114 | 79 |
Comorbid: Mood Swings | 123 | 72 |
Comorbid: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity | 85 | 68 |
Comorbid: Restless Leg | 100 | 77 |
Comorbid: Sleep Apnea Diagnosis | 69 | 114 |
Comorbid: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) | 149 | 100 |
Condition: Acne | 128 | 75 |
Condition: Generalized anxiety disorder | 24 | 114 |
Condition: ME/CFS with IBS | 205 | 100 |
Condition: ME/CFS without IBS | 161 | 87 |
Condition: Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity | 108 | 103 |
Condition: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | 84 | 80 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Abdomen pain | 104 | 84 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Abnormal sensitivity to light | 138 | 128 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Absent-mindedness | 156 | 96 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Allergies | 159 | 99 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Anxiety/tension | 174 | 113 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Blurred Vision | 114 | 96 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Chemical sensitivity | 83 | 76 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Chilled or shivery | 69 | 104 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Concern with driving | 71 | 91 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Confusion/disorientation | 102 | 84 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Depression | 123 | 90 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty comprehending Information | 173 | 87 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty falling asleep | 152 | 81 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty finding the right word | 205 | 95 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty following things | 131 | 116 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty reasoning things out | 123 | 102 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty recalling information | 182 | 93 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty retaining information | 150 | 96 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Difficulty staying asleep | 172 | 128 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Dizziness | 102 | 109 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Does physical activity make you feel worse | 201 | 99 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Easily irritated | 188 | 71 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Eye pain | 80 | 113 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Fatigue | 248 | 84 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Feel unsteady on feet | 31 | 111 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Feeling like you have a temperature | 44 | 92 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Forgetting what you are trying to say | 169 | 83 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Frequently get words or numbers in the wrong order | 67 | 108 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Frequently loose train of thought | 141 | 85 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Headaches | 116 | 101 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Hot or Cold spells | 112 | 94 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Impaired Memory & concentration | 204 | 87 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Mood swings | 98 | 85 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Muscle Pain (i.e., sensations of pain or aching in your muscles. This does not include weakness or pain in other areas such as joints) | 161 | 80 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Muscle weakness | 176 | 99 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Nausea | 83 | 114 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Need to have to focus on one thing at a time | 178 | 77 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Need to nap during each day | 110 | 109 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : New trouble with math | 17 | 86 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Night sweats | 59 | 121 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Pain in Multiple Joints without Swelling or Redness | 108 | 91 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Post-exertional malaise, feeling worse after doing activities that require either physical or mental exertion | 217 | 80 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Racing heart | 109 | 102 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Rash | 43 | 68 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Ringing in the Ears | 186 | 105 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Sensitivity to Alcohol | 117 | 104 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Shortness of breath | 109 | 100 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Slow to react | 114 | 94 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Slowness of thought | 170 | 95 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Sore Throat | 82 | 93 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Temperature lower than normal | 79 | 112 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Tense muscles | 129 | 93 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Tingling feeling | 127 | 94 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Trouble expressing thoughts | 128 | 101 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Unrefreshing Sleep, that is waking up feeling tired | 233 | 66 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Upset stomach | 121 | 90 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Walking up early in the morning (e.g. 3AM) | 130 | 94 |
DePaul University Fatigue Questionnaire : Weight change | 96 | 85 |
Gender: Female | 250 | 100 |
Gender: Male | 267 | 81 |
General: Anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure) | 40 | 112 |
General: Depression | 148 | 116 |
General: Fatigue | 299 | 63 |
General: Headaches | 151 | 82 |
General: Heavy feeling in arms and legs | 149 | 87 |
General: Myalgia (pain) | 129 | 97 |
General: Sinus issues with headaches | 72 | 86 |
Immune Manifestations: Abdominal Pain | 159 | 90 |
Immune Manifestations: Alcohol Intolerant | 138 | 96 |
Immune Manifestations: Bloating | 254 | 84 |
Immune Manifestations: Chronic Flatus / Flatulence / gas | 144 | 113 |
Immune Manifestations: Constipation | 218 | 91 |
Immune Manifestations: Diarrhea | 133 | 82 |
Immune Manifestations: general malaise | 206 | 117 |
Immune Manifestations: Hair loss | 149 | 90 |
Immune Manifestations: Inflammation (General) | 186 | 89 |
Immune Manifestations: Inflammation of skin, eyes or joints | 150 | 106 |
Immune Manifestations: medication sensitivities. | 78 | 101 |
Immune Manifestations: Mucus in the stool | 101 | 88 |
Immune Manifestations: new food sensitivities | 131 | 94 |
Immune Manifestations: recurrent flu-like symptoms | 102 | 119 |
Immune Manifestations: tender lymph nodes | 80 | 138 |
Immune Manifestations: Thick blood / Hypercoagulation | 44 | 114 |
Immune: Chronic Sinusitis | 93 | 91 |
Immune: Flu-like symptoms | 88 | 99 |
Immune: Recurrent Sore throat | 118 | 98 |
Immune: Sensitivity to smell/food/medication/chemicals | 149 | 79 |
Immune: Tender / sore lymph nodes | 61 | 138 |
Immune: Viral infections with prolonged recovery periods | 76 | 139 |
Infection: Lyme | 57 | 126 |
Joint: Stiffness and swelling | 71 | 117 |
Joint: Tenderness | 73 | 94 |
Neurocognitive: Absent-mindedness or forgetfulness | 195 | 85 |
Neurocognitive: Brain Fog | 301 | 60 |
Neurocognitive: Can only focus on one thing at a time | 218 | 66 |
Neurocognitive: Difficulty expressing thoughts | 184 | 67 |
Neurocognitive: Difficulty paying attention for a long period of time | 230 | 71 |
Neurocognitive: Difficulty understanding things | 171 | 77 |
Neurocognitive: Feeling disoriented | 127 | 86 |
Neurocognitive: Problems remembering things | 213 | 94 |
Neurocognitive: Slowness of thought | 196 | 84 |
Neurocognitive: Unable to focus vision and/or attention | 168 | 108 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Air Hunger | 110 | 93 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: cold extremities | 191 | 81 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Dry Eye (Sicca or Sjogren Syndrome) | 129 | 110 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Excessive adrenaline | 33 | 90 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: intolerance of extremes of heat and cold | 202 | 57 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: marked weight change | 51 | 113 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Muscle weakness | 142 | 123 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Painful menstrual periods | 27 | 81 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Paraesthesia (tingling burning of skin) | 45 | 112 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Poor gut motility | 198 | 91 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: Rapid muscular fatiguability | 142 | 105 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: subnormal body temperature | 51 | 145 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: sweating episodes | 81 | 120 |
Neuroendocrine Manifestations: worsening of symptoms with stress. | 235 | 86 |
Neuroendocrine: Alcohol intolerance | 129 | 91 |
Neuroendocrine: Cold limbs (e.g. arms, legs hands) | 166 | 84 |
Neuroendocrine: Feeling hot or cold for no reason | 138 | 82 |
Neuroendocrine: Feeling like you have a high temperature | 22 | 87 |
Neuroendocrine: Lost or gained weight without trying | 116 | 96 |
Neuroendocrine: Temperature fluctuations throughout the day | 37 | 79 |
Neurological-Audio: hypersensitivity to noise | 203 | 85 |
Neurological-Audio: Tinnitus (ringing in ear) | 227 | 115 |
Neurological-Sleep: Chaotic diurnal sleep rhythms (Erratic Sleep) | 63 | 122 |
Neurological-Sleep: Inability for deep (delta) sleep | 122 | 85 |
Neurological-Sleep: Insomnia | 191 | 98 |
Neurological-Sleep: Night Sweats | 86 | 106 |
Neurological-Sleep: Sleep Apnea | 68 | 115 |
Neurological-Sleep: Vivid Dreams/Nightmares | 73 | 107 |
Neurological-Vision: Blurred Vision | 123 | 83 |
Neurological-Vision: inability to focus eye/vision | 93 | 105 |
Neurological-Vision: photophobia (Light Sensitivity) | 128 | 101 |
Neurological: Cognitive/Sensory Overload | 172 | 80 |
Neurological: Confusion | 63 | 72 |
Neurological: Difficulty processing information (Understanding) | 156 | 91 |
Neurological: Difficulty reading | 130 | 86 |
Neurological: Disorientation | 41 | 90 |
Neurological: Dysautonomia | 151 | 117 |
Neurological: emotional overload | 132 | 82 |
Neurological: Executive Decision Making (Difficulty making) | 139 | 76 |
Neurological: High degree of Empathy before onset | 68 | 78 |
Neurological: Impairment of concentration | 182 | 88 |
Neurological: Joint hypermobility | 62 | 66 |
Neurological: Myoclonic jerks or seizures | 20 | 100 |
Neurological: Neuropathy | 67 | 96 |
Neurological: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) | 16 | 88 |
Neurological: Short-term memory issues | 170 | 101 |
Neurological: Word-finding problems | 193 | 80 |
Official Diagnosis: Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) | 118 | 62 |
Official Diagnosis: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) | 73 | 118 |
Official Diagnosis: Autism | 112 | 115 |
Official Diagnosis: Autoimmune Disease | 76 | 119 |
Official Diagnosis: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) | 263 | 136 |
Official Diagnosis: COVID19 (Long Hauler) | 249 | 150 |
Official Diagnosis: Depression | 56 | 137 |
Official Diagnosis: Fibromyalgia | 48 | 103 |
Official Diagnosis: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) | 82 | 97 |
Official Diagnosis: Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol) | 23 | 104 |
Official Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome | 173 | 96 |
Official Diagnosis: Mast Cell Dysfunction | 59 | 108 |
Onset: 2000-2010 | 96 | 99 |
Onset: 2010-2020 | 154 | 106 |
Onset: Gradual | 108 | 89 |
Onset: less than 02 years since onset | 66 | 120 |
Onset: less than 04 years since onset | 84 | 82 |
Onset: less than 16 years since onset | 57 | 92 |
Onset: less than 32 years since onset | 50 | 108 |
Onset: Sudden | 118 | 86 |
Other: Sensitivity to mold | 109 | 82 |
Other: Sensitivity to vibrations | 28 | 114 |
Pain: Aching of the eyes or behind the eyes | 91 | 94 |
Pain: Joint pain | 140 | 94 |
Pain: Myofascial pain | 52 | 75 |
Pain: Pain or aching in muscles | 145 | 98 |
Pain: Sensitivity to pain | 80 | 106 |
Physical: Amalgam fillings | 98 | 133 |
Physical: Breastfed | 112 | 100 |
Physical: Eastern European | 39 | 94 |
Physical: Good Air Quality | 48 | 111 |
Physical: Long term (chronic) stress | 167 | 150 |
Physical: Northern European | 184 | 120 |
Physical: Organic Diet | 28 | 92 |
Physical: Pets | 124 | 81 |
Physical: Steps Per Day < 2000 | 133 | 115 |
Physical: Steps Per Day 2000-4000 | 117 | 111 |
Physical: Steps Per Day 4000-8000 | 102 | 107 |
Physical: Tonsils removed | 72 | 122 |
Physical: Work-Sitting | 183 | 79 |
Post-exertional malaise: Difficulty reading after mild physical or mental activity | 158 | 95 |
Post-exertional malaise: General | 197 | 82 |
Post-exertional malaise: Inappropriate loss of physical and mental stamina, | 181 | 90 |
Post-exertional malaise: Mentally tired after the slightest effort | 144 | 79 |
Post-exertional malaise: Muscle fatigue after mild physical activity | 176 | 90 |
Post-exertional malaise: Next-day soreness after everyday activities | 140 | 90 |
Post-exertional malaise: Physically drained or sick after mild activity | 173 | 89 |
Post-exertional malaise: Physically tired after minimum exercise | 193 | 80 |
Post-exertional malaise: Post-exertional malaise | 198 | 93 |
Post-exertional malaise: Rapid cognitive fatigability, | 158 | 86 |
Post-exertional malaise: Rapid muscular fatigability, | 146 | 105 |
Post-exertional malaise: Worsening of symptoms after mild mental activity | 155 | 68 |
Post-exertional malaise: Worsening of symptoms after mild physical activity | 215 | 100 |
Sleep: Daytime drowsiness | 175 | 71 |
Sleep: Need to nap daily | 105 | 88 |
Sleep: Problems falling asleep | 181 | 93 |
Sleep: Problems staying asleep | 210 | 73 |
Sleep: Unrefreshed sleep | 276 | 62 |
Sleep: Waking up early in the morning (e.g. 3 AM) | 172 | 89 |
Virus: Epstein-Barr virus | 123 | 89 |
Spot checking a few, we find that more bacteria to filter by seems to result in a higher percentage of matches. Consider Females:
- Measure: Using Percentile \ Using Mean
- Taxons: Gender: Female 250 \ 100
- Matches: Gender: Female 24.41% \ 20.35%
Bottom Line
The purpose of this post is to compare too methodologies. Neither appears absolutely superior to the other. For forecasting, it may be best to do each and takes the superior one. It is intended to show an alternative approach to this type of data.
The Percentile Advantage
If the lab being used provides percentiles over a diverse large population, you may not need a control group. The mean percentile of the population is 50 and the standard deviation of the population is 28.87 because we are dealing with a uniform distribution. We can then proceed to compute the mean of the percentiles of those with a condition and then compute the standard error resulting in a z-score.
The z-score will likely be a little lower than a perfect experiment because the large population will likely contain some with the condition being examined. Z-scores will actually be conservative, and the cost significantly less.
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