Some Feedback from using Microbiome Prescription

Recently I have been getting several emails from people with status updates. I thought that I should share a few of them. I have not gotten any negative feedback (Are all of my readers Canadians who are too polite to complain?)

Also good news. I’ve managed to correct much of my microbiome. I’ve reversed the NIH gnavus ans prausnitzii signature that is very common in ME. My prausnitzii is now 21%! It was something like 0.2 two years ago.

And my lactobacillus and bifido are in the very bottom range of healthy for the first time in two years. Also three lactobacillus strains from vivomixx appeared on my 16s for the first time. Proving that even artificial probiotics can populate the gut albeit temporarily. 

I intend to continue and get another test in three months. While my physical symptoms have improved a lot my light sensitivity and brainfog are still not great to be honest and I have no idea why. Leaky gut can I think be ruled out becuass gnavus is so low and I barely react to eggs anymore (I’ve had issues with eggs since I was a kid). But I have some work to do still.

I really love the website and get a ton of use out of it.  I hope you stick with it and keep updating it and making it better.

Mold is what got me initially too.  Retrospectively.  When we moved to our new house is when my decline actually started.  And then when we redid our master bath, there was a bunch of mold, and I got real sick real fast.

In essence, I had all the triggers.  Every single one of these:

  1. Viral or bacterial exposure (listed in order of severity) – COVID and RSV
  2. Trauma – to intestines
  3. Food poisoning – Bacterial and fungal
  4. Prolonged Stress – startup, I’m the founder
  5. Environmental Toxins – Mold in our MASTER BEDROOM

Oh forgot to mention I took lactobacillus Rhamnosus based my my research before I noticed your big red note to not take it and other lactobacillus because they block the impact of heparin.  I think that’s what really got me!

Haven’t pooped for 3 days since that mistake!  Before that pooped every day for 14. 

As an update, I’m nearly 5 weeks in and am beginning to feel better.  My energy levels are perhaps the best they’ve been in the last 5 years.  I’ve still got a very long way to go but the results thus far are promising!

I’m taking 5-7 foods/ supplements, 2-3X a day.  And every 2 weeks I’m rotating all of it to prevent antibiotic resistance.  In another month I plan to retest myself and make the necessary adjustments to my protocol.  

The other reason I’m writing is that a friend with similar fatigue issues and a histamine intolerance has just gotten tested and is joining my journey to recovery.