Bacteria Shifts that are Statistically Significant for Long COVID

The process is very simple, for a condition like ME/CFS, we compute the expected number of samples reporting this bacteria (based on people without Long COVID) and compare it to the actual number seen. This can be used to compute a statistical value called Chi-Square (χ²), This is then used to compute the chance of it happening at random. This is possible because we have over 3600 samples from some labs and thus able to detect things better.

Actual example:

  • Tetragenococcus halophilus – Species reported by Biomesight
    • Expected to see 15
    • Actually seen 59
  • In other words almost 4x more common than expected. The probability is
    • 1.68054690853052E-30
    • or 1 chance in 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of happening at random.
  • This suggests that we should reduce it to remedy Long COVID [with the other 92 bacteria involved]

Biomesight and Ombre identifies bacteria using different methodologies so often give different names and amounts. For background on this lack of standardization, see The taxonomy nightmare before Christmas…

The data below is for samples marked with “Official Diagnosis: COVID19 (Long Hauler)”. Only Biomesight had sufficient data to get patterns.

Long COVID appears similar to ME/CFS, so comparing results below to those in this post: Bacteria Shifts that are Statistically Significant for ME/CFS, may provide further insight.

Unlike some conditions shown below, it is not just one bacteria involved but combinations.

  • Peptic ulcer disease: Helicobacter pylori
  • Tetanus: Clostridium tetani
  • Typhoid fever: Salmonella typhi
  • Diphtheria: Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  • Syphilis: Treponema pallidum
  • Cholera: Vibrio cholerae
  • Leprosy: Mycobacterium leprae
  • Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Sinusitis: Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum

Biomesight Data

We have more data from Biomesight which means better (more) detection of significant bacteria. The data is very different from ME/CFS. We have 16 bacteria too high and 61 bacteria too low. With ME/CFS and the same lab, we have 12 bacteria that are too low and 116 bacteria that are too high.

We have some commonalities

  • Bifidobacterium adolescentis is too low for both Long COVID and ME/CFS
  • Lactobacillus crispatus is too high
  • Another probiotic genus, Lactococcus, is also too high
50 kb inversion cladeclade77.354Too Low0.008002
Acinetobacter antiviralisspecies13.724Too High0.00524
Acinetobacter johnsoniispecies18.130Too High0.004944
Actinopolysporagenus62.335Too Low0.001477
Actinopolysporaceaefamily62.335Too Low0.001477
Actinopolysporalesorder62.335Too Low0.001477
Aeromonadaceaefamily81.857Too Low0.006169
Alkalibacteriumgenus112.581Too Low0.005041
Anaerococcus lactolyticusspecies23.238Too High0.002205
Anaerococcus prevotiispecies20.133Too High0.003987
ant, tsetse, mealybug, aphid, etc. endosymbiontsclade82.758Too Low0.006624
Bifidobacterium adolescentis strain103.565Too Low0.002509
Chromatiumgenus61.334Too Low0.00355
Chromatium weisseispecies61.234Too Low0.00355
Chromobacterium groupno rank15.326Too High0.006127
Citrobactergenus64.141Too Low0.003939
Clostridium neonatalespecies13.725Too High0.002196
Cohnellagenus108.678Too Low0.005067
Coraliomargaritagenus96.470Too Low0.00718
Coraliomargarita akajimensisspecies96.370Too Low0.007357
core genistoidsclade77.354Too Low0.008002
Corynebacterium striatumspecies16.928Too High0.006887
Crotalarieaetribe77.354Too Low0.008002
Deferribacteraceaefamily98.271Too Low0.006129
Deferribacteralesorder98.271Too Low0.006129
Deferribacteresclass98.271Too Low0.006129
Deferribacterotaphylum98.271Too Low0.006129
Desulfallaceaefamily148.6108Too Low0.001472
Enterobacter cloacae complexspecies group86.460Too Low0.004516
Enterobacter hormaecheispecies85.457Too Low0.002134
Enterobacteriaceae incertae sedisno rank82.758Too Low0.006624
Erysipelothrix inopinataspecies54.221Too Low4.45E-05
Fabaceaefamily77.354Too Low0.008002
Fabalesorder77.354Too Low0.008002
fabidsclade77.354Too Low0.008002
genistoids sensu latoclade77.354Too Low0.008002
Granulicellagenus16.429Too High0.001841
Granulicella tundricolaspecies16.229Too High0.00148
Hallella bergensisspecies20.133Too High0.003987
Lactobacillus crispatusspecies26.543Too High0.001406
Lactococcusgenus161.5201Too High0.001877
Leptospiragenus89.561Too Low0.002559
Leptospira licerasiaespecies89.461Too Low0.002701
Leptospiraceaefamily89.561Too Low0.002559
Leptospiralesorder89.561Too Low0.002559
Lysinibacillusgenus51.532Too Low0.006618
Lysinibacillus parviboronicapiensspecies50.429Too Low0.002564
Macrococcusgenus118.989Too Low0.006111
Microbacteriaceaefamily99.572Too Low0.005912
Moorella groupnorank152.6188Too High0.004132
Oxalobactergenus130.999Too Low0.005356
Oxalobacter vibrioformisspecies94.965Too Low0.007793
Papilionoideaesubfamily77.354Too Low0.008002
Peptoniphilus lacrimalisspecies51.872Too High0.004884
Piscirickettsiaceaefamily51.529Too Low0.007262
Psychrobactergenus138.999Too Low0.001332
Psychrobacter glacialisspecies75.151Too Low0.00545
rosidsclade77.354Too Low0.008002
Rothiagenus77.354Too Low0.008002
Rothia mucilaginosaspecies64.140Too Low0.002631
Sporotomaculumgenus148.6108Too Low0.001472
Sporotomaculum syntrophicumspecies146.7107Too Low0.001751
Streptococcus massiliensisspecies53.634Too Low0.007353
Syntrophobacteraceaefamily118.383Too Low0.00291
Tetragenococcus halophilusspecies18.059Too High3.63E-22
Thiomicrospiragenus43.726Too Low0.007396
Tolumonasgenus80.755Too Low0.004169
Tolumonas auensisspecies79.954Too Low0.003748
Trabulsiellagenus59.137Too Low0.004074
Vagococcusgenus99.272Too Low0.00718
Varibaculum cambriensespecies17.330Too High0.002302

Bottom Line

My personal view is that this pattern is not unexpected. ME/CFS microbiome is typically after years of the dysbiosis microbiome evolving. With Long COVID, we have the microbiome still trying to stabilize.

  • Bif. Adolescentis

And all Lactobacillus and Lactococcus probiotics should be avoided.

The above information will be eventually integrated into Microbiome Prescription suggestions expert system. The purpose is to first identify the bacteria of concern.

The following bacteria were reported by 2 or 3 of the ME/CFS analysis and the same shift seen with Long COVID.

Anaerococcus murdochiispecies — sibling high in ME/CFS
Peptoniphilus lacrimalisspecies – HIGH EVERYWHERE
Varibaculumgenus – HIGH EVERYWHERE

Varibaculum, particularly Varibaculum cambriense, has been identified as a potential pathogen associated with various human infections, especially in skin and soft tissues26. This anaerobic, gram-positive bacterium was first described in 2003 and has since been isolated from several clinical cases2.

A new species, Varibaculum timonense, has been isolated from human stool samples, indicating that the genus Varibaculum may have a broader presence in the human microbiome than previously recognized3.

While Varibaculum species are not yet widely known pathogens, their isolation from various infection sites suggests they may play a more significant role in human health than currently understood. Further research is needed to fully elucidate the pathogenic potential and clinical importance of these bacteria.

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