Testimonials are really what I try to avoid because the internet is full of fake ones. The following are some written comments that I have received that indicate that the site was useful to people.
From Long-COVID Group Coordinator
In response that I am deprecating (but not removing KEGG AI Supplements) cited in Refactored KEGG based Probiotics
“I also noticed that the KEGG AI supplements is being deprecated. May I ask that you keep it? The reason is that it seems to correlate with people’s lab blood and urine testing, so it’s helpful as an indicator to suggest that they get tested for deficiencies. At least that’s how I’m using it. “

Feedback on surviving courses of Antibiotics
Just wanted to let you know that I’m halfway into my 3-month course of antibiotics and have managed to completely avoid GI side effects thus far by taking the Miyari Probiotics recommended via the website results. To say I’m amazed is an understatement really, considering how badly a single week of Co-amoxiclav cleared me out (and that was with S. Boulardii).
Its possible that the fact that these were ‘elective’ antibiotics (for acne) has helped, as I was able to get in a month’s head start of the Miyari and built it up to 13 tabs per day, divided between meals. I’ll update you further when I’ve retested my microbiome on completing the course (not sure how long is best to leave it? Or how long to continue the miyari. I also have some mutaflor in the fridge waiting to rotate) but just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU again for the resource you provide. Please feel free to use this info in any way you see fit if you think it could help others. Miyari has been very protective against the side effects of lymecycline for me.

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