We provide an API to allow user data to be directly transfer from a lab site to our site. This is done my making an API call with a JSON payload containing the taxonomy and basic information about the user.
An example of what is expected is shown below:
"UserId": "908034785",
"Person": "Melanie",
"Login": "billg@Microsoft.com",
"LabSoftware": "AmazonLabs",
"SampleDate": "2020-02-14",
"Taxonomy": [
"Taxon": 2321,
"TaxonName": "Dogfood",
"RawCount": "100",
"Count": 1000
"Taxon": 2322,
"TaxonName": "Dogfood",
"RawCount": 100,
"Count": 1000
Before transferring data, make sure that your user consent to our usage statement:
By uploading, you consent to allow your microbiome data and symptoms to be made available to citizen scientists for further discoveries.
The open test site (does NOT save) uses POST to http://microbiomeprescription.azurewebsites.net/api/labfeed
The Json response will identify any issues found with the data.
Technical Issues That May Occur
Make sure that you are specifying content type
At the moment, nothing. If over 500 samples are submitted by one lab, a nominal $.20 per sample will be billed quarterly to cover costs we are charged to offer this.
There are two ways of exchanging credentials.
Do a post to
http://microbiomeprescription.azurewebsites.net/api/trustedlogin with the UserId and Login. This will automatically log the person in. All samples matching the Login (which could be an email) will be visible (including those that they have uploaded prior). The last UserId and Login pair received will be used for validation
Provide an JSON end point.
We will send the login and password they enter on our site to this end point and expect a “true” or “false” response.
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