Microbiome Tests Obfuscation of the Microbiome

The cartoon below illustrates what 6 different microbiome testing companies report on a person’s microbiome. This is not talking about 6 different samples from a stool — but from a single FASTQ digital file from a stool. In other words, all of them got the identical digital data.

For background, see The taxonomy nightmare before Christmas….

There are parallels between Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes” and the certainty of correct identification of bacteria often expressed by many microbiome researchers should be noted. “Andersen altered the source tale to direct the focus on courtly [academic] pride and intellectual vanity “

Attached you will find a PowerPoint PDF with a YouTube presentation. The target is treating Medical Practitioners. Despite these issues, the microbiome test data can be very useful after some data manipulation and with a suitable reference data set.

Above is a detailed walk through targeted for Medical Practitioners on using the Microbiome to treat Long COVID and ME/CFS. New findings on strong associations (P less than 0.001) derived from the microbiome to these conditions. Discussion of how these finding can lead to treatment suggestions on an individual basis (instead of generic suggestions). Associations listed in full at:

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