Longevity and the microbiome

Just a quick note on some bacteria are associated with long life,

Sutterella Low1
Megamonas Low1,9
Burkholderiales Low2
Akkermansia muciniphilaHigh3,4,6,9,11
Eggerthella lentaHigh3
B. uniformisLow3
Eubacterium rectaleHigh3, Low 8,12
Methanobrevibacter smithii,High3,8,12
Escherichia coliHigh3,6,12
Faecalibacterium prausnitziiLow3,6,8,12
C. comesLow3
ChristensenellaceaeHigh4,6, 12
Bifidobacterium adolescentisHigh8
Anaerotruncus colihominusHigh12
Bacteroidetes High12


  1. Does Microbiome Contribute to Longevity? Compositional and Functional Differences in Gut Microbiota in Chinese Long-Living (>90 Years) and Elderly (65-74 Years) Adults 2024
  2. Gut Microbiota Composition and Metabolic Potential of Long-Living People in China 2022
  3. Shotgun Metagenomics of Gut Microbiota in Humans with up to Extreme Longevity and the Increasing Role of Xenobiotic Degradation 2022
  4. Gut Microbiota and Extreme Longevity 2016
  5. Gut microbiota and old age: Modulating factors and interventions for healthy longevity 2020
  6. Gut microbiota and aging-A focus on centenarians – ScienceDirect 2020
  7. The Human Gut Resistome up to Extreme Longevity 2021
  8. A Cross-Sectional Study of Compositional and Functional Profiles of Gut Microbiota in Sardinian Centenarians 2019
  9. Structural characteristics of gut microbiota in longevity from Changshou town, Hubei, China 2024
  10. Comparative analysis of gut microbiota in elderly people of urbanized towns and longevity villages 2015
  11. Causal relationship between gut microbiota and ageing: A multi-omics Mendelian randomization study 2025
  12. Exploring the Relationship between the Gut Microbiota and Ageing: A Possible Age Modulator 2023

Other studies of interest

Clinical Microbiome Issues: Questions from a Reader

A reader sent an email with some good questions. He is pleased with the results. Looking at repeat users of Microbiome Prescription (tried suggestions and came back within a year for more suggestion) is almost 69%. This suggests happy users.

That system works great!

  1. Could you explain the main differences between the OLD UI and NEW UI? Sometimes the data doesn’t seem to match up well, and I’m unsure which one I should use.
  2. I’d like to understand the symptoms sections better, as they look very different in both UIs. The old UI symptoms make much more sense for me.
  3. I have a Biomesight test for a friend with many gut symptoms, but when I analyze the data, I’m not seeing much in terms of actionable recommendations for things to add or remove. I do see a little more in terms of statistical significance in the OLD UI. What would be the most accurate way to read the data in a case like this?
  4. I primarily use the full consensus reporting feature in the database. Are there any advanced features or sections you think I should familiarize myself with?
  5. What is the main difference between symptoms and medical conditions in the database? My understanding is that medical conditions are more supported by proven data, while symptoms are based more on self-reporting. Is that correct?
  6. If possible, I’d love to see your workflow for analyzing a test.

Could you explain the main differences between the OLD UI and NEW UI? Sometimes the data doesn’t seem to match up well, and I’m unsure which one I should use.

The site evolves as I keep getting better insight on data and different ways of getting statistically significant data. In general, when I get a new insight it is added as a new feature while keeping the older approaches. The older approaches appear to work well, but I want to keep pressing forward finding “better ways”. Actually, the way may not be better for everyone — rather better for some cases. It is the classic “no algorithm works for every one”.

Using Monte Carlo Model that builds consensus suggestions, my hope is that these various approaches will net better suggestions.

  • I avoid dropping methods. It upsets some people. Also these older methods work well for some.

Suggestion: Use both and work with the Consensus

I’d like to understand the symptoms sections better, as they look very different in both UIs. The old UI symptoms make much more sense for me.

At present there are at least three different ways of forecasting symptoms. Most of the methods pick slightly different sets of bacteria with different weights. Forecasting symptoms depends on which regression / modelling is used. Some examples:

I have in my backlog to test each of these methods to evaluate their ability forecast symptoms. This also require tuning each of these to try to get the best accuracy in forecasting. That is likely at least a month of work (once I get the cycles).

In short, different methods were tried to detect statistical significance using both parametric and non-parametric methods. When there were a sufficient number of bacteria found significant, then a forecaster is built.

When I get time to do comparison before forecasting accuracy, the number of choices will likely be reduced.

I have a Biomesight test for a friend with many gut symptoms, but when I analyze the data, I’m not seeing much in terms of actionable recommendations for things to add or remove. I do see a little more in terms of statistical significance in the OLD UI. What would be the most accurate way to read the data in a case like this?

IMHO, the most accurate is checking the symptoms they have and use that for suggestions. It is the most likely way to pick the significant bacteria to focus on.

I usually use the metabolites and enzymes approach to select probiotics. Typically this will be the same probiotics in suggestions but in a different order. I give the probiotics suggested based on KEGG data a higher value because the suggestions above are based on what has been studied (which tends to be erratic). The KEGG data is based on the DNA/RNA of the microbiome and far less sensitive to what has been studied in clinical studies.

I primarily use the full consensus reporting feature in the database. Are there any advanced features or sections you think I should familiarize myself with?

Nothing at the moment, On the [Changing Your Microbiome] under “Suggestions for building general consensus”. These are the four most promising methods. New methods will likely be added at the bottom of this list as they are added.

What is the main difference between symptoms and medical conditions in the database? My understanding is that medical conditions are more supported by proven data, while symptoms are based more on self-reporting. Is that correct?

Medical conditions are those reported in the literature — unfortunately every study uses different processing. If the same study samples processed through a different process, different bacteria will be found significant (See The taxonomy nightmare before Christmas…). These are “best efforts” selection when we do not have sufficient data for a condition or symptoms for the specific processing lab that you are using.

The “inhouse” associations are always done using data from the same processing lab, so the identification of the “lab named bacteria” are consistent. This is the most likely to pick the right bacteria (according to the lab). One major difference is that Medical conditions are often based on 30-60 samples alone. For Biomesight data, we often have 600 samples and thus better ability to identify.

If possible, I’d love to see your workflow for analyzing a test.

Detecting Dysbiosis using Chi-Square

A reader wrote:

After uploading my sample, it gave a chi-square score of 1116 (image attached). Does this warrant any change in treatment approach (just asking as most of the scores I’ve seen posted on your blog are below 100)?

The short answer is no. This indicate that dysbiosis is likely happening. It is likely that is already known (hence getting a test).

The Simple Logic

We look at different bacteria at the genus level. Naively, this should be the equivalent of having independent variables. For each bacteria, we get the percentile ranking (in terms of a reference population). The odds of any bacteria being in the 1-10%ile range is 1 in 10. The same applies to every other range and bacteria.

This becomes a simple statistics problems. We would expect every range to have about 10% of the genus in it. We can then calculate whether the actual distribution conforms to this expectation using Chi-Square. If there is no dysbiosis, we would expect the significance to be 0.95 or less. Many users have significance being 0.9999 or higher; that is, very strong indicator of dysbiosis.

In the above example, we have definite dysbiosis. We have a large number of bacteria that are too high percentile. We do not know the precise ones that are problematic, we have a list of possible bacteria that we would want to reduce.

Since we do not know the explicit bacteria to focus on (only a collection of candidates), we cannot generate suggestions explicitly from this information.

Technical Note: The Percentile is computed from those reporting some of each genus. The percentile could be done across all tests (i.e. not found included); that approach results in a much more complicated computation.

I view Chi-Square as a better alternative to Diversity Indices. Most diversity indices apply to only certain condition. IMHO, it is a more robust measure because it is based purely on statistics and uses a reference set.

The Shannon index has been studied in relation to:

  1. Septic shock: A study found that low bacterial diversity (Shannon index <3.0) was associated with higher 28-day mortality rates in septic shock patients1.
  2. General health status: The Gut Microbiome Health Index (GMHI), which incorporates the Shannon index, was used to distinguish between healthy and non-healthy individuals across various conditions2.
  3. Parkinson’s disease: However, a study found that the Shannon index was not significantly associated with Parkinson’s disease or other neurological disorders6.

In microbiome studies, several diversity indices are frequently used to analyze the composition and structure of microbial communities. These indices can be broadly categorized into two types: alpha diversity (within-sample diversity) and beta diversity (between-sample diversity).

Alpha Diversity Indices

  1. Shannon index: Measures both richness and evenness of species in a community.
  2. Simpson’s index: Reflects the probability that two randomly selected individuals belong to different species.
  3. Chao1 index: Estimates species richness, particularly useful for data sets skewed toward low-abundance classes.
  4. Observed number of Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs): Counts the number of unique sequences in a sample.
  5. Phylogenetic Diversity (PD): Considers the evolutionary relationships between species.
  6. ACE (Abundance-based Coverage Estimator) index: Estimates species richness, accounting for rare species.

Beta Diversity Indices

  1. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity: Considers both the presence/absence and abundance of species.
  2. UniFrac:
    • Unweighted UniFrac: Considers presence/absence of species and their phylogenetic relationships.
    • Weighted UniFrac: Incorporates abundance information along with phylogenetic relationship.
  3. Jaccard index: Measures the similarity between sample sets based on presence/absence of species.

These diversity indices provide different perspectives on microbial community structure and are often used in combination to gain a comprehensive understanding of microbiome diversity36.

Possible Paths to healing the Gut

A reader posted on Facebook:

Ken Lassesen Hi Ken, maybe you can explain this: based on my latest biomesight test, one suggestions recurs in most of the suggestions on MicrobiomePerscripitons.com: Sucralose.
Sucralose is not regarded as particularly beneficial for the gut or overall health, actually it is associated with leaky gut and can decrease the diversity of bacteria. But I guess it comes up as it can modulate certain bacteria short term in a way that can potentially be beneficial for me? 🤔

Common Paths Starting Points

I have seen the following being very common:

  • [A] You complain about symptoms and a friend speculate that you have X, for example “Acid Stomach”
  • [B] You see a medical professional, often a naturopath, and the say You appear to have T” example, “Gluten Issues”
  • [C] You see a medical professional, who perform an extensive list of tests. These tests results precisely match a known condition. example: Heliobacter pylori causing peptic ulcer.
  • [D] You go the “self-serve” approach using microbiome tests and ‘heal thyself’. Borrowing from Hippocrates:  ‘First do no harm‘, ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’, ‘Walking is the best medicine’ and ‘All diseases begin in the gut‘.
    • Often this is the result of disappointment or non-availability of [A],[B] and [C].

Typical Treatment Path for [A]

This is usually done by following friends suggestions or random searching of the internet for solutions. In short, it is an influencer treatment plan. Sometimes these treatment will work; the majority of people will get short term relief at best, if any,

Typical Treatment Path for [B]

This is usually done by the medical professionals working off their clinical experience and suggesting what they perceived to work. This is rarely objective, rather subjective. Their decisions are based on their view through rose-color glasses.

A simple example: “Jill Muller came to see me and said she would follow my advice. She did not come for a follow-up appointment –hence my treatment advice worked!” Reality, Jill followed the advice and became much worse, she concluded that this medical practitioner does not know what they are talking about and went elsewhere. To the practitioner, the lack of more appointments is proof that their treatment plan worked very well.

Sometimes these treatment will work; the majority of people will get short term relief at best, if any,

Typical Treatment Path for [C]

This is usually done by the medical professionals working off their clinical experience influenced by clinical studies and pharmaceutical sales representatives. For many conditions, these treatment will work to either cure or slow progression. These practitioner knows exactly what their target is. There can often be failure or less than desired progress because the current body of approved treatments is insufficient.

Two examples that I am personally familiar with are Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Crohn’s Disease. Many other conditions like Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Alzheimer’s Disease, etc.

As with all of the above, when the treatment fails or is insufficient, path [D] is often taken

Typical Treatment Path for [D]

Following Hippocrates, All diseases begin in the gut. The problem is that despite having microbiome test results, we do not have clarity on what the target is.

From personal experience, I took a uBiome test and downloaded their FASTQ file and then processed it through:

  • Thryve/Ombre
  • BiomeSight
  • Sequentia Biotech 

I got 4 sets of interpretations of this digital microbiome sample. This was not taking 4 samples and sending it to these labs (hence differences could be ascribed to where the sample was taken in the stool), but one sample, processed into a single digital description and then processed.

There was less than 5% agreement on which bacteria were out of range. In one case, a bacteria was too high according to one lab and too log according to another lab. For more information see: The taxonomy nightmare before Christmas…

Influencer versus Single Study of Single Bacteria versus Holistic

I view an influencer as a person who looks at a single microbiome test (from random lab) and say “It looks like …. and you should take ….”. The basis of the recommendation is often internet legend. When an influencer is asked to provide studies supporting their recommendation, there is typically no answer. IMHO, quod erat demonstrandum on this being internet legend.

A medical professional, often a naturopath, or a well-educated self-learner may provide a study supporting their suggestions. Often this study will show that one and only one bacteria is changed by their suggestions. If you ask these people for a study showing that the same suggestions will help a different bacteria that is out of reference ranges, it is very unlikely that they can provide one.

I term this as the “bacteria tunnel vision” version.

The Holistic or Microbiome Prescription approach is to accept two things:

  • Reference Ranges are usually suspect from labs (see Using Ranges based on Averages is BOGUS) and compute ranges in a more valid way.
  • Decisions should be based on all available studies (at present 98,841direct citations generating 2,301,058 expert system rules)
    • This volume of data to consider require software and not brain-ware

The suggestions generated should always be reviewed by a knowledgeable and experienced medical professional before doing. Dosages are often a critical factor (more is not better always). There can be significant medical conditions that would exclude some suggestions. The suggestions are not “this is a protocol”, rather this is a list of things that are more likley to help than hurt — do whatever you feel comfortable with.

Returning to the question

To speed an accurate response, I used Perplexity and ask for studies.

Perplexity on sucralose consumption and leaky gut

From perplexity:

Recent studies have shown a potential association between sucralose consumption and leaky gut syndrome, although the evidence is not yet conclusive from clinical studies in humans.

Laboratory and Animal Studies

Several laboratory and animal studies have demonstrated concerning effects of sucralose on gut health:

  1. A study led by North Carolina State University found that sucralose and its metabolite sucralose-6-acetate damaged the junctions between intestinal cells, potentially causing leaky gut17.
  2. In mice, sucralose administration for 6 months altered gut microbiome composition and increased pro-inflammatory gene expression in the liver, which could contribute to inflammation and gut permeability4.
  3. Another mouse study showed that even low doses of sucralose altered gut microbiome composition, affecting intestinal barrier function8.

Human Studies

While direct clinical evidence in humans is limited, some studies suggest potential effects:

  1. A randomized, placebo-controlled study found that acute intake of sucrose, but not sucralose, resulted in post-prandial endotoxemia (increased blood endotoxin levels). However, this study did not directly measure gut permeability5.
  2. Researchers have called for revisiting the safety and regulatory status of sucralose based on its potential genotoxicity and effects on gut health7.

It’s important to note that more comprehensive clinical studies in humans are needed to definitively establish the link between sucralose consumption and leaky gut syndrome. The current evidence, while concerning, is primarily based on laboratory and animal studies, which may not directly translate to human health outcomes.

Look at “acute intake of sucrose, but not sucralose” above. Microbiome Prescription does not give dosages except for a few items, and those are references to clinical studies only. My take would be moderate intake, not excessive dosages. The appropriate dosage should be coming from your knowledgeable and experienced medical professional

Can sucralose decrease the diversity of bacteria, with studies

From perplexity:

Yes, studies have shown that sucralose can decrease the diversity of gut bacteria:

  1. A 2022 study on mice found that sucralose administration altered gut microbiome diversity. The number of bacterial features and Shannon index (a measure of diversity) showed a downward trend in groups given higher doses of sucralose compared to the control group1.
  2. Research on rats demonstrated that a 1.5 mg/mL concentration of sucralose led to the lowest α-diversity in gut microbiota, indicating a reduction in bacterial diversity1.
  3. A human study conducted over 10 weeks showed that sucralose consumption altered the abundance of certain bacterial phyla, specifically increasing Firmicutes while not affecting Actinobacteria or Bacteroidetes. It also led to a 3-fold increase in Blautia coccoides and a 0.66-fold decrease in Lactobacillus acidophilus2.
  4. A 6-month study on mice revealed that sucralose altered the gut microbiome composition, affecting 14 different bacterial genera over time compared to the control group5.

While these studies provide evidence for sucralose’s impact on gut bacterial diversity, it’s important to note that more comprehensive clinical studies in humans are needed to fully understand the long-term effects of sucralose on gut microbiota diversity.

I agree that it changes bacteria — that is what the goal is. Again note “higher doses of sucralose“. The bacteria changed are listed here.

What is the appropriate dosage

Again from perplexity with reference. If you keep to these limits, you should be fine.

The healthy daily amount of Splenda (sucralose) is determined by regulatory bodies based on extensive safety studies. Here are the key points regarding the recommended daily intake:

  1. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for sucralose of 5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day37.
  2. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) have set a higher ADI of 15 mg per kilogram of body weight per day12.
  3. These ADI levels are considered conservative, representing an amount 100 times less than the quantity found to have no observed adverse effects in toxicology studies3.

To put this into perspective:

  • For a 150-pound (68 kg) person, the FDA’s ADI would be equivalent to consuming about 340 mg of sucralose daily3.
  • This translates to approximately 23 individual packets of Splenda per day, well above typical consumption levels37.

It’s important to note that:

  • Current estimated intake levels are well below these ADIs. A conservative mean estimate of sucralose intake from beverages among adults in the U.S. is about 1.6 mg/kg of body weight per day3.
  • The ADI applies to all population groups, including children, pregnant women, and individuals with medical conditions1.

While these guidelines suggest that Splenda is safe when consumed within these limits, recent recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) advise against the use of non-sugar sweeteners for weight control4. As with any dietary component, moderation is key, and individuals should consider their overall diet and health goals when consuming artificial sweeteners.

Bottom Line

A lot of the answers came from https://www.perplexity.ai/. I use this resource heavily to get summaries with references to data sources and then always check the source to make sure that this AI did not misread the study.




Using Ranges based on Averages is BOGUS

To illustrate this, we use our collection of distinct microbiome samples processed through BiomeSight (N: 3656).

Species: Phocaeicola massiliensis

Basic Statistics;

  • Minimum: 0.001 %
  • Maximum: 89.1%
  • Median: 0.254%
  • Mean / Average: 7.6%
  • Mode: 12.4%
  • Standard Deviation:  14.6%
  • 5 Percentile:  0.009%
  • 95 Percentile: 43.7%
  • Harmonic Mean: 0.035%
  • Geometric Mean: 0.445%
  • Skew: 1.5
  • Kurtosis:  0.035

When we apply Stats Class 101 methods, we get:

  • Mean +/- 1.95 SD ==> (-21% to 36.2%)
  • Box-Plot-Whiskers ==> (-9.4%, 15.8%)

WAIT: Having negative amount of bacteria!!! That is absurd!

What we should see if data was normal

Wait, Mean, Median and Mode should be next door to each other!!!

What do we see when we chart this data. The charts are identical — NOT!

What should be used to compute range?

There are many better suited statistical methods. A few are:

  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
  • Kruskal-Wallis test
  • Wilcoxon signed-rank test
  • Mann-Whitney U test
  • Bothe/Z-scores 
  • Median Absolute Deviation

My Preference: Patent Pending Kaltoft Moldrup Algorithm

The basis of it is doing a data transformation, then taking derivates to get an almost straight line. When the data leaves the line is where it is deemed to be abnormal. The following diagrams illustrates the process.

Example: Original Data

2nd derivative line

3rd derivate line

4th derivative line (where we see the desired straight line in purple)

An example with real data. Most of the abnormal data is at the bottom in this example

Another more complex example indicating more complexity in the bacteria behavior in situ of the microbiome.

Another example showing both high and low abnormal areas

Bottom Line

Many suggested ranges are based on mean and never tests if methods that apply to a normal distribution/ bell curve applies. A small number of ranges are based on percentiles, i.e. over 95%ile or below 5%ile. Using percentiles is better but as suggested by the last curves above, this does not suggest evidence of being abnormal.

The patent pending Kaltoft Moldrup Algorithm appears to identify abnormal values in the classic sense of abnormal. It does require significant mathematical and statistical skills.

Post Natal Supplements and Microbiome

I was messaged by someone expecting a baby who complained about this constant barrage of advertisements on Facebook and in Email for post natal supplements, etc. She wanted to know what actually have science behind it. I approach this in two ways:

  • Documented supplements with studies on Pub Med (BEST) focus on human clinical studies (lots of vet studies)
  • Microbiome shifts seen from delivery and suggestions to mitigate them

Dietary supplements do not require extensive pre-marketing approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Manufacturers are responsible to ensure the safety, but do not need to prove the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements before they are marketed. Dietary supplements may contain multiple ingredients, and differences are often found between labeled and actual ingredients or their amounts. 

Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®) – [2023]

There are a number of prenatal studies of interest, i.e. Prenatal Gut Microbiota Predicts Temperament in Offspring at 1-2 Years [2024] but that is out of scope. “Our findings support the maternal-fetal GM axis in the setting of fetal-placental development with subsequent postnatal neurocognitive developmental outcomes, and suggest that early childhood temperament is in part associated with specific GM in the prenatal setting.”

Documented Supplements

NutrientDRI (Pregnancy)
DRI (Lactation)
DRI (Non-Pregnancy)Examples of Common Dietary Sources (Listed Alphabetically)
Carbohydrate175 g/day
210 g/day
130 g/dayFruits, legumes, low-fat dairy products, vegetables (starch and non-starchy), whole grains
Total Fiber28 g/day *
29 g/day *
25 g/day *Fruits, legumes, vegetables, whole grains
Protein71 g/day
71 g/day
46 g/dayAnimal sources: Beef, chicken, dairy products, eggs, pork, seafood, turkey
Plant sources: Legumes, nuts, quinoa, seeds, soy
Linoleic Acid (Omega-6)13 g/day *
13 g/day *
12 g/day *Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils (including soybean, safflower and corn oil)
alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega-3)1.4 g/day *
1.3 g/day *
1.1 g/day *Fatty fish, oils (including flax seed). Smaller amounts found in poultry, meats and eggs
Vitamin A770 μg RAE/day
1300 μg RAE/day
700 μg RAE/dayApricots, broccoli, carrots, fortified milk and eggs, kale, mangoes, margarine, sweet potatoes
Vitamin C85 mg/day
120 mg/day
75 mg/dayCitrus fruits, kiwifruit, strawberries, vegetables (red pepper, green pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage)
Vitamin E15 mg/day
19 mg/day
15 mg/dayNuts, plant-based oils, seeds
Vitamin B61.9 mg/day
2.0 mg/day
1.3 mg/dayFish, meat, poultry and whole grains including oats
Vitamin B122.6 μg/day
2.8 μg/day
2.4 μg/dayDairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, seafood
Choline450 mg/day *
550 mg/day *
425 mg/day *Beef and chicken, eggs (with yolk), mushrooms, salmon, wheat germ
Folate600 μg/day
500 μg/day
400 μg/dayBeans, dark green vegetables (including spinach and asparagus), fortified cereals, fortified juices (including orange juice), nuts
Iodine220 μg/day
290 μg/day
150 μg/dayDairy products, fish, iodized salt, seaweed

Microbiome Changes

Asthma Risks

One RCT showed that early Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) led to a reduction in the cumulative incidence rate of asthma. Another study demonstrated that mixed strains of Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus fermentum could support clinical improvement in children with asthma while one trial reported a significant reduction in the frequency of asthma exacerbations using a mixture of Ligilactobacillus salivarius and Bifidobacterium breve

Postnatal probiotic supplementation can prevent and optimize treatment of childhood asthma and atopic disorders: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials [2022]

Bottom Line

The following probiotics would appear to have benefit post partum

  • Lactobacillus Salivarius
  • Lactobacillus Fermentum
  • Lactobacillus Crispatus
  • Lactobacillus Jensenii
  • Bifidobacterium Breve

Additionally: Bifidobacterium species associated with breastfeeding produce aromatic lactic acids in the infant gut [2021] identifies Bifidobacterium longumBifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium bifidum and cites “important for controlling intestinal homoeostasis and immune responses.” in the infant

  • Role of Bifidobacteria on Infant Health – [2021] given some reports of adverse reaction from directly giving probiotics to infants and the study cited above finding that the mother taking them can transfer them to the infant, I favor the maternal route.

Cheapest Microbiome Test?

A reader in Australia wrote:

Could you tell us which laboratory is the cheapest? Like many families facing a credit squeeze, the cost of regular testing has become prohibitive.

The criteria to be included is simple — it must be up loadable or transferable to MicrobiomePrescription. The criteria of the whether the test provider will ship to Australia etc is not evaluated. There is always the “friends solution” — i.e. someone where they will ship to, orders the test and forwards to Australia.

Low resolution tests and not uploadable tests(No CSV files provided) are excluded. These include:

  • Biomefx
  • Bioscreen (cfu/gm)
  • Biovis Microbiome Plus (cfu/g)
  • Chuckling Goat
  • DayTwo
  • Diagnostic Solution GI-Map (cfu/gm)
  • Estudio de Disbiosis: Intestinal + Parasitos
  • GanzImmun Diagnostic A6 (cfu/gm)
  • GanzImmun Diagnostics AG Befundbericht
  • Genova Gi Effects (cfu/g)
  • Genova Parasitology (cfu/g)
  • GI EcologiX (Invivo)
  • GI360 Stool (UK)
  • Gut Zoomer (vibrant-wellness)
  • HealthPath
  • InVitaLab (cfu/gm)
  • Kyber Kompakt (cfu/g)
  • Laboratorio Teletest
  • Medivere Mikrobiom Plus Stuhlanalyse
  • Medivere: Darm Mikrobiom Stuhltest (16s limited)
  • Medivere: Darn Magen Diagnostik (16s Limited)
  • Medivere: Gesundsheitscheck Darm (16s Limited)
  • Metagenomics Stool (De Meirleir) (16s Limited)
  • Microbiome Healthpath Maxi
  • MyBiota (Austria)
  • Nordic Laboratories
  • NutriPATH
  • Randox Health
  • Smart Gut (16s – Limited Taxonomy)
  • Tarmkollen Mega
  • TinyHealth
  • Verisana (cfu/ml) aka (kbe/ml)
  • Viome (Latest Reports Fail to provide ANY measurements)

The numbers are in $AU. Some sites have a variety of price according to subscription model, discount codes, sales – for example “The Gut Club’s Biomesight discount code: THEGUTCLUB50 provides 33% discount for single kits).

ShotgunThorne$180 (via US Amazon)$300
16sVitract (transfers are pending)$212$228
ShotgunTiny Health$302$377
Prices as of time of writing

On a personal note, this household is shifting to Thorne because of the greater detail from Shotgun including virus and phages. Ombre / Biomesight has been our prior preferred test when focused on symptoms.

This is an interest item by item price list.

Large Language Models and the Microbiome

I had an exchange with a friend who is professionally in the microbiome area and he suggested that besides ChatGPT, that I consider:

  • Perplexity
  • DeepSeek
  • Mistral by Mixtral
  • Claude 3 by Anthropic
  • Gemini by Google
  • ChatGPT

This post will compare the answers given for four questions:

  • What are the health impacts of the enzyme N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome
  • What are the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome
  • What are the health impacts of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the microbiome
  • How can the amount of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense be altered.

This is intended as a pattern to evaluate different Large Language Models. Questions should be in more obtuse areas. Some key questions to ask are:

  • Amount of speculation
  • Is reasoning what you would expect from a High School, B.Sc. M.Sc. MS or experienced medical professional
  • Are sources of information provided (ability to audit)


What are the health impacts of the enzyme N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome

N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase, also known as ST3GAL4, plays a significant role in various health conditions and impacts the microbiome:


ST3GAL4 is associated with several types of cancer:

  • Cervical cancer: The V1 transcript of ST3GAL4 shows significantly decreased expression in premalignant and malignant cervical tissues2.
  • Gastric cancer: Elevated levels of ST3GAL4-generated α2,3-linked sialic acid residues are present in gastric cancer tissues, potentially contributing to invasion and metastasis9.
  • Hepatic cancer: ST3GAL4 is upregulated in human hepatic cancer cell lines, correlating with increased sialylation on cell membranes9.

Inflammation and Immune Response

ST3GAL4 is involved in inflammation-related processes:

  • During inflammation, there is an increase in sialoglycoproteins containing α2,3-sialic acid glycotopes, which is associated with the up-regulated expression of ST3GAL41.
  • These changes in sialylation patterns can affect the immune response and contribute to various inflammatory conditions.

Microbiome Interactions

The activity of sialyltransferases like ST3GAL4 can influence the gut microbiome:

  • Sialic acid availability in the gut significantly impacts microbial community composition and function3.
  • Changes in sialylation patterns can affect the colonization of both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria7.
  • Alterations in mucin glycosylation, which involves sialyltransferases, can disrupt gut homeostasis and increase susceptibility to infection and colitis7.

Pathogen Resistance

ST3GAL4 and similar enzymes play a role in pathogen interactions:

  • In Neisseria species, sialyltransferase activity contributes to serum resistance and evasion of the immune system5.
  • The level of sialyltransferase expression can impact the kinetics of pathogen interactions with the host immune system5.

In conclusion, N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase has wide-ranging effects on health, influencing cancer progression, inflammation, microbiome composition, and pathogen resistance. Its activity is crucial in maintaining the balance between host health and disease states.

What are the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome

There is limited information available specifically about the health impacts of (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome. However, we can discuss some related information about lysine and its derivatives:

  1. Lysine, an essential amino acid, has several health impacts:
  • It may support gut health and reduce diabetes-related problems1.
  • Lysine deficiency can lead to impaired connective tissues and other health issues2.
  • It plays a role in collagen formation and iron uptake, potentially affecting anemia2.
  1. Lysine derivatives and modifications:
  • Lysine hydroxylases, which modify lysine residues, are important in various biological processes5.
  • Lysine acetylation is a post-translational modification that regulates microbial metabolic pathways in the gut microbiome6.
  1. Microbiome interactions:
  • Lysine acetylation is widespread in gut microbial proteins and may be altered in conditions like Crohn’s disease6.
  • Some gut bacteria, such as Marvinbryantia formatexigens, can produce methylated lysine derivatives that may influence host metabolism3.
  1. Potential neuroprotective effects:
  • Lysine administration has shown some neuroprotective effects in animal models of cerebral ischemia9.

While these points provide context about lysine and its derivatives, it’s important to note that the specific compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine is not directly addressed in the available search results. Further research would be needed to determine its precise health impacts on medical conditions and the microbiome.

What are the health impacts of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the microbiome

Ethanoligenens harbinense is a bacterium that has been studied for its metabolic properties and potential impacts on health. While research on its direct health effects is limited, some insights can be drawn from available studies:

Metabolic Properties

E. harbinense is known for its ethanol-type fermentation and hydrogen production capabilities:

  • It produces ethanol, acetic acid, hydrogen (H2), and carbon dioxide (CO2) as main fermentation products1.
  • Optimal pH for hydrogen production is between 6 and 7, with highest yields at pH 71.
  • The bacterium can adapt to low pH environments by regulating gene expression related to cell growth, metabolism, and resistance mechanisms1.

Potential Health Impacts

  1. Muscle Strength:
    • E. harbinense has been associated with a negative impact on muscle strength in recent studies45.
  2. Microbiome Interactions:
    • As part of the gut microbiome, E. harbinense may influence overall microbial community composition and function3.
    • Its ability to produce hydrogen could affect the metabolic activities of other microbes in the gut ecosystem.
  3. Metabolic Implications:
    • The bacterium’s fermentation products, particularly short-chain fatty acids like acetic acid, may have broader metabolic effects on the host13.
  4. pH Sensitivity:
    • E. harbinense’s sensitivity to pH changes suggests it could be affected by or contribute to alterations in gut pH, potentially influencing gut health1.

While these findings provide some insights into the potential roles of E. harbinense in health, more research is needed to fully understand its impacts on specific medical conditions and the broader microbiome ecosystem. The bacterium’s interactions within the complex gut environment and its effects on host physiology require further investigation.

How can the amount of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense be altered.

The amount of Ethanoligenens harbinense can be altered through several methods:

  1. pH Manipulation: E. harbinense growth is observed between pH 3.5-9.0, with optimal conditions around pH 6-756. Adjusting the pH within this range can influence bacterial growth.
  2. Temperature Control: The bacterium grows at temperatures between 20-44°C56. Modifying temperature within this range can affect its proliferation.
  3. Substrate Availability: E. harbinense utilizes carbohydrates for growth and fermentation2. Increasing or decreasing available carbohydrates can alter its population.
  4. Buffering Agents: Adding acetate or phosphate buffers can impact E. harbinense growth:
    • Acetate: At 50 mM concentration, it can increase hydrogen production and potentially bacterial growth3.
    • Phosphate: Optimal concentration is around 50 mM, beyond which it may inhibit growth3.
  5. Anaerobic Conditions: As a strictly anaerobic bacterium, ensuring proper anaerobic environments is crucial for its growth4.
  6. Nutrient Composition: Tailoring the growth medium to include specific nutrients required by E. harbinense can promote its growth2.

By manipulating these factors, researchers and industry professionals can potentially control the population of E. harbinense in various applications, such as biohydrogen production or wastewater treatment.


What are the health impacts of the enzyme N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome

N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase (ST3Gal) is an enzyme involved in the addition of sialic acid to glycoproteins and glycolipids, playing a role in cell signaling, immune response, and pathogen interactions. Its health impacts on medical conditions and the microbiome are complex and context-dependent. Here’s an overview:

1. Medical Conditions

  • Cancer: ST3Gal enzymes are often overexpressed in cancers, contributing to tumor progression, metastasis, and immune evasion. Sialylation of cell surface molecules can mask tumor cells from immune detection and promote invasiveness.
  • Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases: Altered sialylation patterns, influenced by ST3Gal, can modulate immune responses. For example, reduced sialylation on immunoglobulins is linked to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Infectious Diseases: Pathogens like influenza viruses exploit sialylated glycans as receptors for infection. ST3Gal activity can influence susceptibility to such infections.
  • Neurological Disorders: Sialylation is critical for brain development and function. Dysregulation of ST3Gal activity may contribute to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

2. Microbiome

  • Gut Microbiota: Sialylated glycans in the gut can serve as nutrients for certain bacteria, influencing microbial composition. ST3Gal activity may affect the balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Pathogen Interactions: Sialylation can facilitate or inhibit bacterial adhesion to host cells, impacting colonization and infection. For example, some pathogens use sialylated receptors to establish infections.
  • Immune Modulation: The microbiome interacts with the host immune system, and sialylation can influence this interaction by modulating immune cell responses.

3. Therapeutic Potential

  • Targeting ST3Gal activity is being explored for cancer immunotherapy, anti-inflammatory therapies, and treatments for infectious diseases. Inhibitors of ST3Gal could potentially reduce tumor growth or pathogen adhesion.

In summary, ST3Gal has significant but context-dependent effects on health, influencing cancer, immune responses, infectious diseases, and the microbiome. Its role in sialylation makes it a key player in both normal physiology and disease processes.

What are the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome

The compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine is a specialized amino acid derivative, and its health impacts on medical conditions and the microbiome are not extensively documented in the scientific literature. However, based on its structure and potential biological roles, we can infer some possible effects:

1. Medical Conditions

  • Antimicrobial Properties: Compounds like (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine may have antimicrobial activity due to their structural similarity to other bioactive peptides or amino acid derivatives. This could make them relevant in combating bacterial infections.
  • Cancer Research: Unusual amino acids and their derivatives are sometimes investigated for their potential to inhibit cancer cell growth or modulate metabolic pathways in tumors.
  • Metabolic Disorders: As a modified amino acid, it might influence metabolic pathways, potentially affecting conditions like diabetes or obesity, though this would require further research.
  • Immune Modulation: Amino acid derivatives can sometimes act as signaling molecules or modulators of immune responses, potentially impacting autoimmune diseases or chronic inflammation.

2. Microbiome

  • Gut Microbiota Interactions: Modified amino acids like (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine could serve as substrates or inhibitors for specific gut bacteria, influencing the composition and function of the microbiome.
  • Antimicrobial Effects on Pathogens: If this compound has antimicrobial properties, it could selectively target pathogenic bacteria in the gut, promoting a healthier microbiome balance.
  • Metabolic Byproducts: The breakdown or modification of this compound by gut bacteria could produce metabolites that influence host health, such as short-chain fatty acids or other bioactive molecules.

3. Potential Therapeutic Applications

  • Antibiotic Development: If (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine exhibits antimicrobial activity, it could be explored as a template for developing new antibiotics.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Modified amino acids are sometimes used in specialized diets or supplements for metabolic or immune support.
  • Biochemical Research: This compound could serve as a tool for studying amino acid metabolism, microbial interactions, or enzyme function.

4. Challenges and Unknowns

  • The specific biological roles and health impacts of (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine are not well-characterized, and further research is needed to determine its mechanisms of action, safety, and therapeutic potential.
  • Its effects on the microbiome and host health would depend on factors like dosage, bioavailability, and individual variability.

In summary, while (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine may have potential antimicrobial, metabolic, or immune-modulating effects, its specific health impacts remain largely unexplored. Further studies are needed to clarify its role in medical conditions and microbiome interactions.

What are the health impacts of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the microbiome

Ethanoligenens harbinense is a species of anaerobic bacteria known for its ability to produce ethanol and hydrogen through fermentation. While research on this specific bacterium is limited, its metabolic capabilities suggest potential impacts on health, the microbiome, and industrial applications. Here’s an overview of its potential health impacts:

1. Medical Conditions

  • Metabolic Health:
    • Ethanol Production: As a fermentative bacterium, Ethanoligenens harbinense produces ethanol, which could have systemic effects if present in high concentrations in the gut. Excessive ethanol production by gut bacteria has been linked to conditions like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and metabolic syndrome.
    • Hydrogen Production: The hydrogen gas produced by E. harbinense might have antioxidant properties and could influence gut health by reducing oxidative stress. However, excessive hydrogen production could lead to bloating or discomfort in some individuals.
  • Gut-Brain Axis:
    • The metabolites produced by E. harbinense (e.g., ethanol, hydrogen, and organic acids) could influence the gut-brain axis, potentially affecting mood, cognition, and neurological conditions. However, this area requires further research.
  • Infections:
    • While E. harbinense is not typically considered a pathogen, its overgrowth in the gut could disrupt microbial balance and contribute to dysbiosis, potentially exacerbating conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

2. Microbiome

  • Fermentation and Gut Environment:
    • E. harbinense contributes to the fermentation of carbohydrates, producing ethanol, hydrogen, and organic acids. These metabolites can influence the gut environment, affecting pH and the growth of other microbial species.
    • Its presence might promote the growth of other fermentative bacteria or inhibit pathogens by creating an acidic environment.
  • Dysbiosis:
    • Overgrowth of E. harbinense could lead to an imbalance in the gut microbiota, particularly if ethanol production becomes excessive. This could negatively impact gut barrier function and contribute to systemic inflammation.
  • Synergistic Relationships:
    • E. harbinense might interact with other gut bacteria, such as methanogens (which consume hydrogen) or acetogens, influencing overall microbial metabolism and gas production in the gut.

3. Potential Therapeutic Applications

  • Biofuel Production:
    • E. harbinense is primarily studied for its industrial potential in biofuel production (e.g., ethanol and hydrogen). While not directly related to health, advancements in this field could indirectly benefit environmental health.
  • Probiotic Potential:
    • If its metabolic activities are found to be beneficial in specific contexts, E. harbinense could be explored as a probiotic or part of a microbial consortium for gut health. However, this would require careful evaluation of its safety and effects.

4. Challenges and Unknowns

  • The health impacts of Ethanoligenens harbinense are not well-studied, and its role in the gut microbiome remains unclear.
  • Its ethanol-producing capability raises concerns about potential negative effects, particularly in individuals with metabolic or liver conditions.
  • Further research is needed to understand its interactions with other gut microbes and its overall influence on host health.

In summary, Ethanoligenens harbinense has potential impacts on metabolic health, the gut microbiome, and possibly the gut-brain axis, but its effects are not fully understood. Its ethanol and hydrogen production could be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on the context and individual health status. More research is needed to clarify its role in human health and disease.

How can the amount of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense be altered.

Altering the abundance of Ethanoligenens harbinense in the gut or other environments can be achieved through dietary, microbial, and environmental interventions. Here are some strategies that could influence its growth and activity:

1. Dietary Modifications

  • Carbohydrate Intake:
    • E. harbinense thrives on fermentable carbohydrates. Reducing the intake of simple sugars and refined carbohydrates may limit its growth.
    • Increasing dietary fiber, particularly prebiotic fibers (e.g., inulin, resistant starch), could promote the growth of other beneficial bacteria, indirectly reducing the relative abundance of E. harbinense.
  • Protein and Fat Intake:
    • Shifting to a diet higher in protein or fat (while maintaining balance) could reduce the availability of fermentable carbohydrates, potentially limiting E. harbinense growth.
  • Fermented Foods:
    • Consuming fermented foods (e.g., yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut) may introduce competing bacteria that could alter the microbial balance and reduce E. harbinense levels.

2. Probiotics and Prebiotics

  • Probiotics:
    • Introducing probiotic strains (e.g., LactobacillusBifidobacterium) could compete with E. harbinense for resources and space, potentially reducing its abundance.
  • Prebiotics:
    • Prebiotics selectively feed beneficial bacteria, which could outcompete E. harbinense and alter the microbial community structure.

3. Antimicrobial Interventions

  • Antibiotics:
    • Targeted antibiotics could reduce E. harbinense levels, but this approach must be used cautiously to avoid disrupting the broader microbiome.
  • Phage Therapy:
    • Bacteriophages specific to E. harbinense could be developed to selectively reduce its population, though this is still an experimental approach.

4. Environmental and Lifestyle Factors

  • pH Modulation:
    • E. harbinense is an anaerobic bacterium sensitive to pH changes. Modulating gut pH through diet (e.g., alkaline foods) or supplements could influence its growth.
  • Exercise:
    • Regular physical activity has been shown to positively influence gut microbiota composition, potentially reducing the abundance of less desirable bacteria like E. harbinense.
  • Stress Management:
    • Chronic stress can alter gut microbiota. Managing stress through mindfulness, sleep, and relaxation techniques may indirectly influence E. harbinense levels.

5. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)

  • FMT involves transferring fecal material from a healthy donor to a recipient, which can dramatically alter the recipient’s microbiome. This could potentially reduce E. harbinense if it is overrepresented.

6. Targeted Microbial Engineering

  • Synthetic Biology:
    • Genetically engineered microbes could be designed to outcompete or inhibit E. harbinense in the gut.
  • Metabolic Inhibitors:
    • Compounds that specifically inhibit the metabolic pathways of E. harbinense (e.g., ethanol production) could be developed to control its growth.

7. Monitoring and Personalized Approaches

  • Microbiome Testing:
    • Regular microbiome analysis can help monitor E. harbinense levels and guide personalized interventions.
  • Personalized Nutrition:
    • Tailoring diet and lifestyle based on individual microbiome profiles can help maintain a balanced microbial community and control E. harbinense.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Ecological Balance: Altering one species in the gut microbiome can have cascading effects on the entire microbial community. Care must be taken to avoid unintended consequences.
  • Individual Variability: The effectiveness of interventions may vary depending on an individual’s baseline microbiome, diet, and health status.
  • Lack of Research: Since E. harbinense is not well-studied, more research is needed to understand its role and develop targeted strategies.

In summary, altering the abundance of Ethanoligenens harbinense can be achieved through dietary changes, probiotics, antimicrobial interventions, and lifestyle modifications. However, a personalized and cautious approach is essential to maintain overall microbiome health.

Mistral by Mixtral

What are the health impacts of the enzyme N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome

N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase, often referred to as ST3Gal III, is an enzyme that plays a role in the biosynthesis of glycoproteins and glycolipids. It does this by adding sialic acid to the sugar chains of these molecules, which are found on the surface of many cell types.

In terms of medical conditions, changes in the activity or expression of this enzyme have been associated with several health issues:

  1. Cancer: Some studies have found that increased expression of ST3Gal III is associated with the progression and metastasis of certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast, and lung cancer. This may be due to the role of the enzyme in modifying cell surface molecules, which can affect cell adhesion, signaling, and other processes involved in cancer development.
  2. Inflammation: The enzyme’s activity can also influence inflammatory responses. For example, it can modify the sugar chains on immune cells and signaling molecules, which can affect their function and contribute to inflammation.

Regarding the microbiome, the impact of ST3Gal III is less clear. However, given that many microbes interact with their host through sugar-binding proteins (lectins), changes in the host’s glycoproteins and glycolipids could potentially influence the composition and function of the microbiome. For instance, certain pathogens use sialic acid as a receptor to attach to and infect host cells. Therefore, changes in sialic acid expression due to ST3Gal III activity could affect susceptibility to these pathogens.

However, more research is needed to fully understand the role of ST3Gal III in health and disease, particularly in the context of the microbiome.

What are the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome

(2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine is a unique lysine derivative that has been identified as a component of certain bacterial peptidoglycans, which are a major component of the bacterial cell wall.

As of now, there is limited research on the direct health impacts of this specific compound on medical conditions and the microbiome. However, peptidoglycans in general play a significant role in bacterial survival and are recognized by the host immune system, which can trigger immune responses.

In terms of medical conditions, peptidoglycans and their derivatives can contribute to various health issues:

  1. Infections: Peptidoglycans are essential for the structural integrity of bacteria, and their breakdown products can stimulate the host immune system. In the case of pathogenic bacteria, this can contribute to the development and progression of infections.
  2. Inflammation: Peptidoglycans and their derivatives can activate immune cells, such as macrophages, leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and contributing to inflammation.
  3. Autoimmune diseases: In some cases, peptidoglycans can trigger abnormal immune responses that contribute to autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Regarding the microbiome, peptidoglycans and their derivatives can influence the composition and function of the microbial community:

  1. Bacterial interactions: Peptidoglycans can mediate interactions between different bacterial species, which can affect the overall structure and function of the microbiome.
  2. Host-microbe interactions: Peptidoglycans can also affect how bacteria interact with their host, potentially influencing the balance between beneficial and harmful microbes.

However, more research is needed to fully understand the role of (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine and other peptidoglycan derivatives in health and disease, particularly in the context of the microbiome.

What are the health impacts of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the microbiome

Ethanoligenens harbinense is a Gram-negative, anaerobic, and thermophilic bacterium that belongs to the family Ethanoligenensaceae. It is known for its ability to ferment various sugars and produce ethanol as a major end product.

As of now, there is limited research on the direct health impacts of Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the human microbiome. Most studies on this bacterium have focused on its biotechnological applications, such as biofuel production and waste treatment.

However, some potential health impacts of Ethanoligenens harbinense and related bacteria can be inferred based on their general characteristics:

  1. Infections: As a Gram-negative bacterium, Ethanoligenens harbinense has lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in its outer membrane, which can trigger immune responses and contribute to inflammation if it enters the human body. However, it is not typically considered a human pathogen, and its potential to cause infections is likely low.
  2. Metabolic interactions: Ethanoligenens harbinense can ferment various sugars and produce ethanol, which could potentially affect the metabolic environment in the gut if it were to colonize the human microbiome. This could influence the growth and activity of other microbes and potentially impact host metabolism.
  3. Antibiotic resistance: Like many other bacteria, Ethanoligenens harbinense may carry genes that confer resistance to antibiotics. If these genes were transferred to other bacteria in the microbiome, it could contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance.

It is important to note that Ethanoligenens harbinense is not typically found in the human microbiome, and its potential health impacts are largely speculative based on its known characteristics. More research is needed to fully understand the potential role of this bacterium in health and disease.

How can the amount of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense be altered.

Ethanoligenens harbinense is not a common member of the human microbiome, and it is typically found in environments such as wastewater treatment plants, bioreactors, and other industrial settings where it is used for biofuel production and waste treatment. Therefore, altering the amount of Ethanoligenens harbinense in the human body is not a relevant or practical concern.

However, if you are interested in altering the amount of this bacterium in an industrial or environmental context, several factors can influence its growth and abundance:

  1. Temperature: Ethanoligenens harbinense is a thermophilic bacterium, which means it grows best at elevated temperatures (around 50-60°C). Adjusting the temperature in its environment can influence its growth rate and abundance.
  2. pH: The optimal pH for the growth of Ethanoligenens harbinense is around 6.5-7.5. Changing the pH of its environment can affect its growth and abundance.
  3. Substrate availability: Ethanoligenens harbinense can ferment various sugars, such as glucose, xylose, and cellobiose. The availability of these substrates in its environment can influence its growth and abundance.
  4. Inhibitors and competitors: The presence of inhibitory compounds (e.g., antibiotics, toxic substances) or competing microorganisms can affect the growth and abundance of Ethanoligenens harbinense.
  5. Nutrient availability: The availability of essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace elements, can influence the growth and abundance of Ethanoligenens harbinense.

In a controlled setting, such as a bioreactor, these factors can be manipulated to optimize the growth and abundance of Ethanoligenens harbinense for specific applications, such as biofuel production or waste treatment. However, it is important to note that these factors may interact with each other, and optimizing one factor may affect others. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the biology and ecology of Ethanoligenens harbinense is necessary to effectively manipulate its growth and abundance.

Claude 3 by Anthropic

What are the health impacts of the enzyme N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome

N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase is an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates, which are important components of cell membranes and secreted molecules. This enzyme plays a role in various biological processes, and its activity can have implications for both health and disease.

  1. Medical conditions:
    a. Immune system regulation: Sialic acids on cell surfaces can modulate immune cell recognition and function. Changes in sialylation patterns mediated by N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase could potentially impact immune responses, including autoimmune disorders and inflammatory conditions. b. Pathogen interactions: Sialic acids are often utilized by pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, for host cell attachment and invasion. The activity of this enzyme may influence the susceptibility of cells to certain infectious agents by altering the availability of sialic acid receptors. c. Cancer: Aberrant sialylation patterns have been observed in various types of cancer cells, and changes in the expression or activity of sialyltransferases like N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase could contribute to cancer progression, metastasis, and immune evasion.
  2. Microbiome:
    a. Host-microbiome interactions: Sialic acids on host cells can serve as binding sites for commensal and pathogenic microorganisms in the gut and other body sites. The activity of N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase may influence the composition and interactions of the microbiome by modulating the availability of these binding sites. b. Microbial metabolism: Some microorganisms possess enzymes that can metabolize sialic acids, providing them with a source of nutrients. Changes in the sialylation patterns mediated by this enzyme could potentially affect the growth and metabolism of sialic acid-utilizing microbes in the microbiome. c. Microbial pathogenesis: Certain pathogenic bacteria utilize sialic acids for host cell adhesion and invasion. The activity of N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase could influence the virulence and pathogenicity of these microorganisms by altering the availability of sialic acid receptors on host cells.

It is important to note that the specific effects of N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on health and disease depend on various factors, including the cell type, tissue context, and the interplay with other regulatory mechanisms. Further research is needed to fully understand the implications of this enzyme’s activity in different medical conditions and its impact on the complex interactions within the microbiome.

What are the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome

I did not find any specific information about the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions or the microbiome.

This compound appears to be a non-proteinogenic amino acid derivative, but I could not locate any published research studies or literature discussing its biological effects or potential applications.

Without more context or details about this specific compound, it is difficult for me to provide meaningful information about its potential impacts on health, medical conditions, or the microbiome. Amino acid derivatives can sometimes be used as building blocks for synthetic compounds or as research tools, but their effects can vary significantly depending on their structure and chemical properties.

If you have any additional information about the context or intended use of this compound, or if you can provide any relevant scientific references or literature, that would help me better understand its potential implications and provide a more informed response.

In general, when assessing the health impacts of novel compounds or molecules, it is important to rely on well-designed scientific studies, clinical trials, and expert analysis to evaluate their safety, efficacy, and potential risks or benefits. Without such data, it is challenging to make definitive claims about their effects on medical conditions or the complex interactions within the human microbiome.

What are the health impacts of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the microbiome

Ethanoligenens harbinense is a strictly anaerobic, ethanol-producing bacterium that was first isolated from sediment samples collected from the Harbin Fenhe River in China. Here are some potential health impacts of this bacterium on medical conditions and the microbiome:

  1. Medical conditions:
    a. Ethanoligenens harbinense has not been directly associated with any specific medical conditions in humans. As an anaerobic bacterium, it is unlikely to cause infections in healthy individuals with a functioning immune system. b. However, in individuals with compromised immune systems or disrupted gut microbiome, the presence of ethanol-producing bacteria like E. harbinense could potentially contribute to intestinal dysbiosis and exacerbate conditions related to gut health, such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  2. Microbiome:
    a. As an ethanol-producing bacterium, E. harbinense could potentially influence the gut microbiome by altering the local environment and metabolic conditions in the gastrointestinal tract. b. Ethanol production can lead to changes in the pH levels, redox potential, and nutrient availability in the gut, which could affect the growth and composition of other microbial species present in the microbiome. c. The presence of E. harbinense might also contribute to increased levels of ethanol in the gut, which could potentially disrupt the delicate balance of the microbiome and promote the growth of ethanol-tolerant or ethanol-utilizing microorganisms. d. However, it is important to note that the gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem, and the actual impact of E. harbinense would depend on various factors, including its abundance, interactions with other microbes, and the overall health status of the individual.

It is worth mentioning that the research on E. harbinense and its potential effects on human health and the microbiome is still limited. Further studies are needed to better understand the role and implications of this bacterium in the context of the human microbiome and its potential contributions to disease states or imbalances in the gut ecosystem.

How can the amount of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense be altered.

There are several potential ways to alter the amount of the bacterium Ethanoligenens harbinense in the human gut microbiome:

  1. Dietary modifications:
    a. Limiting the intake of fermentable substrates: E. harbinense is an ethanol-producing bacterium that likely thrives on fermentable carbohydrates and other substrates. Reducing the consumption of easily fermentable foods, such as simple sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, and certain dietary fibers, could potentially limit the growth of this bacterium in the gut. b. Increasing the intake of prebiotic fibers: Consuming prebiotics, such as inulin, oligofructose, and certain types of resistant starch, can selectively promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria while potentially suppressing the growth of less desirable species like E. harbinense.
  2. Antibiotic treatment:
    a. Targeted antibiotic therapy: Certain antibiotics may be effective against E. harbinense, depending on its antibiotic susceptibility profile. However, the use of antibiotics should be carefully considered, as it can also significantly disrupt the overall gut microbiome and potentially lead to other imbalances or side effects.
  3. Probiotic supplementation:
    a. Introducing probiotic strains: Consuming probiotics, which are live beneficial bacteria, can help restore and maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Some probiotic strains may compete with E. harbinense for resources or produce metabolites that inhibit its growth.
  4. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT):
    a. FMT involves transferring the gut microbiome from a healthy donor to a recipient. This procedure can help restore a balanced and diverse gut microbiome, potentially reducing the abundance of undesirable bacteria like E. harbinense.

It’s important to note that altering the gut microbiome is a complex process, and the specific approach may depend on the individual’s overall health status, underlying conditions, and the composition of their existing gut microbiome. Additionally, any intervention should be done under the guidance and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, as drastic changes to the gut microbiome can have unintended consequences.

Furthermore, the role and impact of E. harbinense in the human gut microbiome are still not fully understood, and more research is needed to determine the most appropriate strategies for modulating its abundance, if necessary.

Gemini by Google

What are the health impacts of the enzyme N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome

N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase, also known as ST3Gal-III, is an enzyme involved in the creation of sialylated glycoconjugates, which are sugars found on the surface of cells.expand_more While research is ongoing, here’s what we know so far about ST3Gal-III and its health impacts:

Medical Conditions:

  • Cancer: ST3Gal-III has been implicated in the development and metastasis of some cancers, such as breast cancer and colorectal cancer.expand_more The enzyme is believed to promote cancer cell proliferation, adhesion, and migration [1].
  • Neurological conditions: ST3Gal-III is involved in the development of the nervous system. Studies have shown that mutations in the ST3Gal-III gene can lead to neurological conditions such as Peters Plus Syndrome and Mental Retardation [2].


The gut microbiome is the community of microorganisms that live in the intestines.expand_more ST3Gal-III may play a role in how these microbes interact with the gut lining. Some studies suggest that ST3Gal-III may help to protect the gut from inflammation [3].exclamation

Overall, research on ST3Gal-III is ongoing.expand_more More needs to be done to understand the full impact of this enzyme on health and disease.

Here are some sources for further reading:

It’s important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, please consult with a doctor.

What are the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome

Unfortunately, there isn’t enough publicly available information to determine the health impacts of (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions or the microbiome.

Here’s why:

  • Limited research: A web search (excluding potentially sensitive sources) shows no clear results on the compound’s effects on health or the microbiome. This suggests limited research or its potential use in non-medical fields.
  • Scientific name format: The provided name format (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine follows scientific conventions for describing molecules, but it’s not a common naming format used for known drugs or readily available supplements.

What you can do:

  • If you’ve encountered this compound in a specific context (e.g., research paper, supplement), try searching for the full study or information about the source mentioning it.
  • Consult a medical professional or researcher familiar with the field for more specific guidance.

Safety note:

It’s important to avoid ingesting or using any unknown compound unless directed by a medical professional.

What are the health impacts of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the microbiome

There is currently no conclusive evidence on the specific health impacts of Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions or the microbiome. Here’s what we know:

  • Environmental bacterium: Ethanoligenens harbinense is primarily found in soil and water environments [1]. There’s limited research on its presence or interaction within the human body.
  • Fermentation: This bacteria can ferment certain sugars into ethanol (alcohol) [1]. However, its presence in the gut microbiome in sufficient quantities to have a significant impact is unknown.
  • Limited studies: While Ethanoligenens harbinense has been identified in some fermented food samples [2], research specifically on its health effects in humans is lacking.

Overall, more research is needed to understand the potential role of Ethanoligenens harbinense in human health.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Just because a bacterium is found in fermented foods doesn’t necessarily mean it has health benefits.
  • The human gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem, and the impact of a single bacterial species is difficult to isolate.

If you’re interested in learning more about the gut microbiome and its health impacts, consult with a doctor or registered dietitian who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

How can the amount of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense be altered.

Here are some possibilities for how the amount of Ethanoligenens harbinense bacteria might be altered, but it’s important to note these are all speculative and lack strong human research:

  • Diet: Since E. harbinense is found in some fermented foods [1], consuming these foods might increase its presence in the gut microbiome. However, more research is needed to determine the specific strains present in fermented foods and their impact on E. harbinense levels.
  • Prebiotics: Prebiotics are fibers that feed beneficial gut bacteria. If E. harbinense benefits from certain prebiotics, consuming those prebiotics could potentially increase its population. However, research specific to E. harbinense and prebiotics is lacking.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics are live bacteria that offer health benefits. If a specific probiotic strain coexists well with E. harbinense, it might create a more favorable environment for its growth. However, there are currently no known probiotic strains containing E. harbinense.

Important considerations:

  • As mentioned before, research on E. harbinense in the human gut is limited. It’s unclear if manipulating its levels would be beneficial or even possible.
  • The gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem, and changes to one bacterial species can have unintended consequences for others.

It’s important to consult with a doctor or registered dietitian before trying any dietary or supplement interventions to alter your gut microbiome. They can advise you based on your specific health situation and current research.


What are the health impacts of the enzyme N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome

N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase is an enzyme involved in the process of glycosylation, specifically the addition of sialic acid residues to glycoproteins or glycolipids. Sialylation plays important roles in various physiological processes, including cell-cell recognition, immune response modulation, and signal transduction.

The health impacts of N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome are not extensively documented. However, here are some potential implications:

  1. Glycosylation Disorders: Dysregulation of glycosylation processes, including aberrant sialylation, can lead to glycosylation disorders. These disorders can manifest as a wide range of clinical phenotypes, including developmental defects, intellectual disability, skeletal abnormalities, and immune system dysfunction. Changes in the activity or expression of N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase could contribute to such disorders.
  2. Cancer: Altered glycosylation patterns, including abnormal sialylation, are commonly observed in cancer cells. Increased sialylation has been associated with tumor progression, metastasis, and immune evasion. N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase activity may play a role in modulating the sialylation of glycoproteins and glycolipids in cancer cells, potentially affecting tumor behavior and response to therapy.
  3. Infectious Diseases: Sialylation of host cell surface receptors can influence the interaction between pathogens and host cells. Changes in sialylation patterns, regulated in part by enzymes such as N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase, could affect the susceptibility to certain infectious agents or the severity of infections.
  4. Immune Disorders: Sialylation is involved in modulating immune cell function and inflammatory responses. Alterations in sialylation patterns may contribute to autoimmune diseases, allergies, and other immune-related disorders. N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase activity could influence immune cell signaling and receptor-ligand interactions, potentially impacting immune system function.
  5. Microbiome Interactions: While the direct impact of N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on the microbiome is not well-documented, changes in host glycosylation patterns can indirectly affect the composition and function of the gut microbiota. The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in host health, influencing nutrient metabolism, immune function, and protection against pathogens.

Overall, the precise health impacts of N-acetyllactosaminide α-2,3-sialyltransferase on medical conditions and the microbiome are complex and multifaceted. Further research is needed to elucidate the specific roles of this enzyme in health and disease, as well as its potential as a therapeutic target or biomarker.

What are the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the microbiome

As of my last update in January 2022, there isn’t specific information available regarding the health impacts of the compound (2R,3R)-3-Methylornithinyl-N6-lysine on medical conditions and the human microbiome. It appears to be a relatively specialized compound with potential applications in research or therapeutic development, but its direct effects on human health and the microbiome have not been extensively studied or documented in the available literature.

Given the complexity of the compound’s chemical structure and its specific targeting of lysine residues, it’s possible that it may have selective effects on cellular processes or enzymatic activities within the body. However, without specific studies or clinical data, it’s challenging to speculate on its health impacts or interactions with the human microbiome.

If you’re considering the potential health impacts of this compound or its derivatives, I would recommend consulting recent scientific literature or experts in the field for the most up-to-date information on its properties, mechanisms of action, and potential applications in medicine or biotechnology.

What are the health impacts of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the microbiome

As of my last update in January 2022, there is limited specific information available regarding the health impacts of Ethanoligenens harbinense on medical conditions and the human microbiome. However, I can provide some general insights based on its characteristics and potential interactions.

  1. Ethanol Production: Ethanoligenens harbinense is known for its ability to produce ethanol from carbon monoxide. While ethanol itself has various effects on the human body, including its use as a fuel source by the liver and potential toxicity at high concentrations, the impact of ethanol produced by Ethanoligenens harbinense specifically is not well-documented.
  2. Potential Gut Microbiome Interaction: Given its ability to produce ethanol, Ethanoligenens harbinense could potentially interact with the gut microbiome if introduced into the gastrointestinal tract. The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in human health, influencing digestion, immune function, and even mental health. However, the specific effects of Ethanoligenens harbinense on the gut microbiome are not well-understood.
  3. Infection and Pathogenicity: While Ethanoligenens harbinense is not typically considered pathogenic, meaning it doesn’t usually cause disease in healthy individuals, its potential impact on immunocompromised individuals or those with specific medical conditions is unclear. Further research would be needed to determine whether Ethanoligenens harbinense could pose a risk of infection or other adverse effects in vulnerable populations.
  4. Therapeutic Potential: Some researchers are exploring the potential therapeutic applications of Ethanoligenens harbinense, particularly in biotechnology and biofuel production. However, its direct implications for human health and medical conditions remain largely unexplored.

Overall, while Ethanoligenens harbinense has intriguing characteristics and potential applications in biotechnology, its specific health impacts on medical conditions and the human microbiome have not been extensively studied. Further research is needed to better understand its interactions with the human body and its potential implications for health.

How can the amount of the bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense be altered.

Ethanoligenens harbinense is a type of bacteria known for its ability to produce ethanol from carbon monoxide. Altering the amount of this bacteria can be influenced by several factors. Here are some methods:

  1. Nutrient Availability: Providing the necessary nutrients required for the growth of Ethanoligenens harbinense can increase its population. These nutrients may include carbon sources (such as carbon monoxide), nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace minerals. Optimizing the nutrient composition and concentration in the growth medium can enhance bacterial growth.
  2. Optimized Culture Conditions: Maintaining optimal culture conditions such as temperature, pH, oxygen levels, and agitation can significantly affect the growth of Ethanoligenens harbinense. Identifying the ideal conditions through experimentation and adjusting the culture parameters accordingly can promote bacterial growth.
  3. Co-culturing: Co-culturing Ethanoligenens harbinense with other microorganisms that complement its growth or provide necessary factors (such as vitamins or cofactors) can enhance its population. This strategy can create a symbiotic relationship where each organism benefits from the presence of the other.
  4. Genetic Engineering: Genetic manipulation techniques can be employed to enhance the growth characteristics of Ethanoligenens harbinense. This may involve modifying genes related to metabolic pathways, stress responses, or nutrient uptake to improve its efficiency in converting substrates into ethanol.
  5. Biofilm Formation: Encouraging biofilm formation can enhance the stability and growth of Ethanoligenens harbinense in bioreactors or fermentation vessels. Biofilms provide protection from environmental stresses and facilitate nutrient exchange, thereby promoting bacterial proliferation.
  6. Optimized Fermentation Process: Fine-tuning the fermentation process parameters such as reactor design, feeding strategies, and fermentation duration can optimize ethanol production and consequently the growth of Ethanoligenens harbinense.
  7. Selective Pressure: Applying selective pressure by manipulating environmental conditions or introducing inhibitors against competing microorganisms can favor the growth of Ethanoligenens harbinense. This can be achieved by controlling factors such as temperature, pH, and substrate concentration to create conditions unfavorable for other organisms.
  8. Continuous Culture Systems: Employing continuous culture systems allows for a steady supply of nutrients and removal of waste products, which can support sustained growth of Ethanoligenens harbinense over extended periods.

By employing one or a combination of these methods, it’s possible to alter the amount of Ethanoligenens harbinense in a culture or fermentation system to optimize ethanol production or achieve other desired outcomes.

Point Comparison

For cancer:

  • Mistral by Mixtral: “certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast, and lung cancer.”
  • Claude 3 by Anthropic “observed in various types of cancer cells”
  • Gemini by Google “some cancers, such as breast cancer and colorectal cancer.”
  • ChatGPT “in cancer cells.”


  • Mistral by Mixtral: “ferment various sugars and produce ethanol “
  • Claude 3 by Anthropic “an ethanol-producing bacterium that likely thrives on fermentable carbohydrates and other substrates.”
  • Gemini by Google “can ferment certain sugars into ethanol (alcohol) [1]”
  • ChatGPT “its ability to produce ethanol from carbon monoxide.” FALSE