Long COVID and Hypoxia (brain fog)

Long COVID [Post COVID Syndrome] is likely an immature variant of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). I use the term immature because typically a ME/CFS diagnosis comes 2-10 years after on-set. Between onset and a later static state, the microbiome is a state of constant transition attempting to reach a new stable state.

Doing a search on Pub Med for “Long COVID hypoxia”, we get over 200 hits. Searching for “Long COVID coagulation”, we get over 300 hits! The following are quick notes to sketch out avenues for people treating Long COVID, especially patients with brain fog. I have cited classic ME/CFS literature and matching literature on Long COVID. This is a page in progress and may be updated periodically.

How can Hypoxia happen?

There are many ways, here’s a recap:

  • Coagulation Issues: Often it is an inherited coagulation defect that flares as a side-effect of post COVID changes (likely of the microbiome). See Thick Blood, Clots dimension of CFS.
    • Coagulation is a complex process and “taking a baby aspirin” is NOT a cure all.
    • The defect may be in just one or several of the Roman Numeral items shown below. (From Coagulation Cascade)
    • The result is often called “Thick Blood”
    • See this Johns Hopkins “What Does COVID Do to Your Blood?

Some Signs of the Above

  • Objectively measured abnormalities of blood pressure variability in CFS[2012]
  • Lower blood pressure in sleep[2011]
  • Lower blood pressure[2009]
  • Rapid Heart Beat (Tachycardia) (more info) – because of lower delivery per heart beat, the heart beats more trying to deliver more oxygen
  • Small heart on X-Rays
  • Low Iron Levels (definition of low should likely be below average, not the lab ranges)
  • Saturated O2 level being slightly low

Treatment Options

Hemoglobin improvement

