Multiple Chemical Sensistivity With Mast Cell Issues

Back Story

I’m at the end if my rope and need help. I’m at my wits end with:

  • mcas and
  • mcs.

I was hit by levaquin in 1/14/20. It killed off my microbiome 22 days later reactions started. I believe has Sibo since then but was confirmed 4/23 and 4/24: Methane and hydrogen

I started raw milk one year ago and was able to stop food and scent reactions I was 85% better until March when dryer sheets on someone I m home set me off then a true anaphylactic event on 4/1 needing epi pen. Since raw milk I developed sulphur intolerance

I’m miserable and like ready for assisted suicide… but not seriously. I can’t deal with it anymore the ecoli albertii is way high 97% higher than everyone who took Biomesight so is methanobacter smithii I can’t tolerate any of the sulphur products since raw milk over grew stuff making me sulphur sensitive to microbes releasing sulphur. I never had issues with sulphur before raw milk one year ago!!!! I used to soak in Epsom all the time and eat garlic and broccoli like crazy that all stopped with this over growth!!!

My mast cell reactions and brain fog are once again bad. I do have mthfr do it’s hard to detox not sure that matters

Initial Analysis

As a start point, this has the lowest eubiosis that I have reviewed. Eubiosis is a computation on the chart below it. We see a lot of different species at abnormally high levels. A balance gut would have all of the blue lines close to the red lines.

There are a number of these bacteria that are strongly associated statistically with different symptoms.

I added the symptoms cited and went over to the new “Symptoms associations to Taxon, Compounds and Enzymes” to give this new feature an actual data case.

Comorbid: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Checking Enzymes for other conditions for possible vitamin impact.

Oral Bacteria Leakage

Looking at this new feature, we see three bacteria that stand out.

I did a hand-picked suggestions on just these three to see what can likely be done:

I went to another person that used the same lab that I know with both of these conditions and we see something in common

The LLM comment stated: Metabolic Interactions: Some Veillonellaceae bacteria, including Dialister species, are known for their metabolic interactions with other bacteria in the microbiota. They can metabolize certain compounds produced by other bacteria

Going Forward

I am going to do “Just give me Suggestions include Symptoms” with the revised algorithm (see Algorithm for “Just Give Me Suggestions”) . I could have hand picked each bacteria associated with symptoms, but given the number of very high, this would likely produce similar effect with less effort.

This results in the Consensus having 7 sets of suggestions

Suggestions To Take

The top, non-prescription items are below. It is full of spices and herbs with just one vitamin and one probiotic.

cinnamon (oil. spice)
oregano (origanum vulgare, oil)
vitamin b2,Riboflavin
thyme (thymol, thyme oil)
nigella sativa seed (black cumin)
garlic (allium sativum)
foeniculum vulgare,fennel
rosmarinus officinalis,rosemary
green tea
Hesperidin (polyphenol)
vegetable/fruit juice-based diets
naringenin(grapefruit) (Flavonoid)
lactobacillus kefiri (NOT KEFIR)
peppermint (spice, oil)
syzygium aromaticum (clove)

Looking at probiotics, we have a good number that would allow easy rotation of probiotics. Two are usually difficult to obtain: lactobacillus kefiri and lactobacillus sakei . Most are available at my usual two preferred sources: Custom Probiotics and Indian Bulk Exporter (Maple Life Sources). See this list for sources not available there. By rotation, I mean 20-50 BCFU daily of one probiotic for 2 weeks and then change to another probiotic.

lactobacillus kefiri (NOT KEFIR)
lactobacillus casei (probiotics) [CB,MLS]
lactobacillus sakei (probiotics)
lactobacillus salivarius (probiotics) [CB,MLS]
lactobacillus reuteri (probiotics) [CB,MLS]
bifidobacterium infantis,(probiotics) [CB,MLS]
enterococcus faecium (probiotic)
lactobacillus paracasei (probiotics) [CB,MLS]
clostridium butyricum (probiotics),Miya,Miyarisan

Items to Reduce or Avoid

The top items are below. In relationship to the take, it seems clear that spices and herbs may be critical — increasing vegetables may have limited benefit. Spices and herbs can be done as capsules, teas, oils or just putting on food.

Modifiers To Avoid
resistant starch
Slippery Elm
arabinogalactan (prebiotic)
chestnut tannins
rice bran
aspartame (sweetner)
navy bean
vitamin B3,niacin
high fiber diet
partially hydrolyzed guar gum
moderate-protein moderate-carbohydrate
resistant maltodextrin

The question of milk came up. AVOID . If you need a milk like substance, use Soy milk only – other milks will contain milk sugar.

  • Cow milk 4mg per 100ml
  • Goat milk 0.6mg per 100ml
  • Soy milk 0mg per 100ml

Bottom Line

This is an interesting sample, the very high number of high percentile bacteria (with corresponding low Eubiosis) present some challenges. The interesting thing is that just targeting the high percentile ones produce a similar set of suggestions as the “Just Give Me Suggestions”. The item that is interesting is the massive number of different herbs at the top of the list. With the Oral Bacteria leakage issue, strive to take them as teas.Caffeine is a weak to be avoided, so it looks like herb teas (without caffeine — i.e. not black teas with herbs, just pure herbs) will be the regular beverage.

Postscript – and Reminder

I am not a licensed medical professional and there are strict laws where I live about “appearing to practice medicine”.  I am safe when it is “academic models” and I keep to the language of science, especially statistics. I am not safe when the explanations have possible overtones of advising a patient instead of presenting data to be evaluated by a medical professional before implementing.

I cannot tell people what they should take or not take. I can inform people items that have better odds of improving their microbiome as a results on numeric calculations. I am a trained experienced statistician with appropriate degrees and professional memberships. All suggestions should be reviewed by your medical professional before starting.

The answers above describe my logic and thinking and is not intended to give advice to this person or any one. Always review with your knowledgeable medical professional.

Example of how Lab Quality Can make Intrepretation Difficult + Oral Bacteria Issue

This person is a long time ME/CFSer. I should start by pointing out that the Eubiosis measure is easy to misinterpret. This person has a good 90.2% eubiosis. This indicates that things are more even (balance is likely a poor choice of word, too many meanings attached) — this is not a health measure as such. It’s a statistical measure whether the microbiome is matching the ideal pattern (not health specific).

Health Analysis is health orientated. Looking at those values we see a loss of health indicators while the evenness has improved.

  1. “Leaked” from Oral Cavity
    • By Taxa is 70%ile, was 48%ile (7/2023), 70% (09/2022)
    • By Volume 49%ile, was 19% (7/2023) , 38.5 (09/2022)
  2. Jason Criteria: 17%ile was 17%ile the same
  3. Key Symptoms bacteria went to 18 was 12

The Oral Cavity stands out as a concerning factor for this person.


We have a historic trend of 6 samples. We need to be careful of our interpretation because of differences in Lab Read Quality. The Lab Read Quality bounces around, and with that, other values may echo these shifts (i.e. up to 20% shifts for some measures). A low read quality means less bacteria are reported, for example, when it was low, the Outside Kaltoft-Moldrup has low, when it was high, the value became high.

Another way to view it is this: If 10% are out of range and 850 are reported then we have 85. If we have 500 in another report then we would expect 50. This could be misread as a 85/50 or a 70% increase in out of range bacteria. Technically, it is more complicated but that should explain the problem.

We have only one item 🙂 that is a clear improvement and one item suggesting a loss :-(.

Lab Read Quality7.94.4113.33.63
Outside Range from GanzImmun Diagostics151519191313
Outside Range from JasonH445566
Outside Range from Lab Teletest212118182727
Outside Range from Medivere161617171313
Outside Range from Metagenomics557788
Outside Range from Microba Co-Biome222222
Outside Range from MyBioma10103399
Outside Range from Nirvana/CosmosId222218182020
Outside Range from Thorne (20/80%ile)215215224224228228
Outside Range from XenoGene363635353737
Outside Lab Range (+/- 1.96SD)7142101126
Outside Box-Plot-Whiskers5549467392103
Outside Kaltoft-Moldrup114 🙁7284473886
Bacteria Reported By Lab749545838495660483
Bacteria Over 90%ile23 🙂47346669100
Bacteria Under 10%ile49282111244
Shannon Diversity Index1.9581.1721.5951.4911.970.933
Simpson Diversity Index0.0410.2340.0750.1280.0450.012
Chao1 Index165547002186146127111127513
Condition Est. Over 90%ile000000
Actual Symptoms in top 10 Forecastedn/a5n/a358

We have a good number of bacteria strongly statistically associated with symptoms

The difference between the two symptom forecast methods is shown below. The newer method (genus only) appears to predict symptoms better

Going Forward

With the revised algorithm (see Algorithm for “Just Give Me Suggestions” with symptoms we get the following. Unlike many samples, there were few antibiotics at the top of the list.  

To Take

Spices and herbs can be done as capsules, teas, oils or just putting on food, but given the Oral leakage — as teas should be considered.

raffinose(sugar beet)
lactobacillus casei (probiotics)
fructo-oligosaccharides (prebiotic)
rosmarinus officinalis,rosemary
garlic (allium sativum)
lactobacillus paracasei (probiotics)
vitamin b2,Riboflavin
Lactobacillus Johnsonii (probiotic)
peppermint (spice, oil)
bifidobacterium longum bb536 (probiotics)
trametes versicolor(Turkey tail mushroom)
lactobacillus reuteri (probiotics)
chondrus crispus,red sea weed
jerusalem artichoke (prebiotic)
lactobacillus sakei (probiotics)
lauric acid(fatty acid in coconut oil,in palm kernel oil,)
lactobacillus kefiri (NOT KEFIR)
green tea
foeniculum vulgare,fennel

Looking at probiotics, we have a good number that would allow easy rotation of probiotics. Two are usually difficult to obtain: lactobacillus kefiri and lactobacillus sakei . Most are available at my usual two preferred sources: Custom Probiotics and Indian Bulk Exporter (Maple Life Sources). See this list for sources not available there. By rotation, I mean 20-50 BCFU daily of one probiotic for 2 weeks and then change to another probiotic.

lactobacillus kefiri (NOT KEFIR)
lactobacillus casei (probiotics) [CB,MLS]
lactobacillus sakei (probiotics)
lactobacillus reuteri (probiotics) [CB,MLS]
bifidobacterium infantis,(probiotics) [CB,MLS]
bifidobacterium longum bb536 (probiotics)
lactobacillus paracasei (probiotics) [CB,MLS]
Lactobacillus Johnsonii [MLS]
Modifier To Avoid
Ferric citrate (iron)
Slippery Elm
Psyllium (Plantago Ovata Husk)
vegetarians Top of Form Bottom of Form
fibre-rich macrobiotic ma-pi 2 diet
xylan (prebiotic)

Oral Bacteria Issue

This may be a likely contributor to ongoing issues. Why? the sinus and oral cavity repopulates the gut and undo prior improvements. My best suggestions are to address this are:

  • When possible, drink teas with the any of the suggested herbs.
  • Do not take probiotics as capsules, instead as powder dissolved in warm water and hold in the mouth before swallowing. See Symbioflor® 1 – Respiratory diseases | SymbioPharm, this may help.
  • Address any dental issues

Postscript – and Reminder

I am not a licensed medical professional and there are strict laws where I live about “appearing to practice medicine”.  I am safe when it is “academic models” and I keep to the language of science, especially statistics. I am not safe when the explanations have possible overtones of advising a patient instead of presenting data to be evaluated by a medical professional before implementing.

I cannot tell people what they should take or not take. I can inform people items that have better odds of improving their microbiome as a results on numeric calculations. I am a trained experienced statistician with appropriate degrees and professional memberships. All suggestions should be reviewed by your medical professional before starting.

The answers above describe my logic and thinking and is not intended to give advice to this person or any one. Always review with your knowledgeable medical professional.

Key Bacteria Genus Associated to Patients Symptoms

This is a follow up to Technical Note: Identifying Key Bacteria to Address, part of this series Technical Notes on Microbiome Analysis. I am working with a new EU based start-up Precision Biome and in refining their algorithms they asked me to identify the key genus that should be considered (and other information).

The table below shows the top results that may be of interest in a clinical setting.

  • Occurrences is the number of times it was detected as statistically significant.
  • We averaged Chi2 to provide more generic detection.
  • [Shift] indicates if Chi2 is for the low range test or the high range test.
    • Low with High Count indicates that the absence of cells is more severe in the low range than than the abundance of cells in the top range.
    • Often there is a shift to upper, resulting in over population of the top range and almost complete disappearance of the low range.
  • Majority of the results were from 16s processing (with the inherent risk of misidentification)
  • Contrary to common belief, low levels seems to be rarely the apparent cause, they may be a consequence of multiple highs.
  • The data below can be replicated from data at (Open data) with the processes referred to above.
taxonTax NameShiftOccurrencesAverage Chi2Density
84567PedobacterLow355127.9High Count
114627AlkaliphilusLow356127.7High Count
33951AcetobacteriumLow358126.6High Count
190972SedimentibacterLow353126.4High Count
1769729HathewayaLow362126.4High Count
100883CoprobacillusLow360125.4High Count
28453SphingobacteriumLow350123High Count
970SelenomonasLow353120.1High Count
44000CaldicellulosiruptorLow352120High Count
1378GemellaLow353119.3High Count
82373AnaerovibrioLow350117.6High Count
281119Candidatus AmoebophilusLow352117.2High Count
29548RhodothermusLow348115.2High Count
69894TindalliaLow347110.1High Count
864PectinatusLow351108.1High Count
33926Candidatus PhytoplasmaLow340107.1High Count
256319ChlorobaculumLow348106.4High Count
89958NatronincolaLow332105.1High Count
2304693PseudoclostridiumLow346104.9High Count
561EscherichiaLow345103.6High Count
1647ErysipelothrixLow354103.6High Count
2093MycoplasmaLow345103.5High Count
46205PseudobutyrivibrioLow587103.4High Count
94008ThermicanusLow338103.2High Count
156973DysgonomonasLow345102.1High Count
119852OscillospiraLow569101.6High Count
1263RuminococcusLow669100.8High Count
2316020MediterraneibacterLow670100.7High Count
33042CoprococcusLow670100.5High Count
42447AnaerobrancaLow32899.7High Count
1350EnterococcusLow26499.3High Count
35829AcetivibrioLow66497.6High Count
1730EubacteriumLow66796.6High Count
44260MoorellaLow25496.3High Count
376469OlivibacterLow19896.1High Count
2740PeptococcusLow54395.2High Count
131079LimnobacterLow15195.2High Count
52784AnaerofilumLow52694.4High Count
44258CaloramatorLow62993.8High Count
572511BlautiaLow89793.3High Count
816BacteroidesLow89793.2High Count
841RoseburiaLow89793High Count
1485ClostridiumLow89692.8High Count
43994JohnsonellaLow61892.8High Count
265975OribacteriumLow66192.7High Count
216851FaecalibacteriumLow89792.7High Count
909656PhocaeicolaLow89592.6High Count
1301StreptococcusLow89492.4High Count
189330DoreaLow89792.4High Count
28050LachnospiraLow88492.3High Count
35832BilophilaLow55891.5High Count
375288ParabacteroidesLow88791.5High Count
906MegasphaeraLow55990.5High Count
140625LachnobacteriumLow63488.6High Count
1678BifidobacteriumLow86988High Count
244127AnaerotruncusLow86787.3High Count
207244AnaerostipesLow89386.4High Count
838PrevotellaLow85985.9High Count
40544SutterellaLow83985.2High Count
84108SlackiaLow50883.8High Count
29465VeillonellaLow84283.6High Count
1578LactobacillusLow87082.2High Count
162289PeptoniphilusLow85281.8High Count
283168OdoribacterLow85780.6High Count
61170HoldemaniaLow86079.5High Count
102106CollinsellaLow85379.3High Count
33024PhascolarctobacteriumLow85377.6High Count
447020AdlercreutziaLow47376.5High Count
1508657RuminiclostridiumLow43675.5High Count
724HaemophilusLow45174.5High Count
239934AkkermansiaLow82474.3High Count
86331MogibacteriumLow84173.5High Count
872DesulfovibrioLow80672.6High Count
836PorphyromonasLow81370.3High Count
84111EggerthellaLow76769.6High Count
574697ButyricimonasLow77969High Count
1266SarcinaLow22868.8High Count
1407607FusicatenibacterLow53568.2High Count
1506553LachnoclostridiumLow31468.1High Count
292632SubdoligranulumLow53768High Count
1505663ErysipelatoclostridiumLow54067.7High Count
1506577TyzzerellaLow31467.5High Count
577309ParaprevotellaLow41267.4High Count
946234FlavonifractorLow54067.3High Count
239759AlistipesLow54066.9High Count
1654ActinomycesLow71866.9High Count
43996CatonellaLow31266.5High Count
459786OscillibacterLow53766.3High Count
1769729HathewayaHigh27066.2High Count
1392389IntestinimonasLow53165.7High Count
84567PedobacterHigh26765.7High Count
1649459HungatellaLow31165.5High Count
33951AcetobacteriumHigh27065.5High Count
114627AlkaliphilusHigh27265.3High Count
1164882LachnoanaerobaculumLow31365.3High Count
2048137AgathobaculumLow31265.3High Count
698776CellulosilyticumLow30864.8High Count
2039240AnaerotignumLow31164.6High Count
100883CoprobacillusHigh27764.4High Count
190972SedimentibacterHigh26864.1High Count
52784AnaerofilumHigh29164High Count
2569097AnaerobutyricumLow30963.6High Count
1774128MurimonasLow30363.5High Count
2740PeptococcusHigh28263.4High Count
2719313EnteroclosterLow30963.3High Count
28453SphingobacteriumHigh26763.1High Count
970SelenomonasHigh25962.7High Count
1427378AcetatifactorLow30462.5High Count
44000CaldicellulosiruptorHigh25661.7High Count
1378GemellaHigh26961.4High Count
204475GemmigerLow30061.2High Count
119852OscillospiraHigh33361.1High Count
29548RhodothermusHigh25860.8High Count
281119Candidatus AmoebophilusHigh25360.5High Count
82373AnaerovibrioHigh25759.8High Count
1505657IntestinibacterLow48859.7High Count
248744MarvinbryantiaLow50259.4High Count
253238EthanoligenensLow30359.1High Count
46205PseudobutyrivibrioHigh37158.9High Count
241189HespelliaLow51958.3High Count
69894TindalliaHigh25257.7High Count
864PectinatusHigh25957.5High Count
89958NatronincolaHigh25357.4High Count
43994JohnsonellaHigh34657.4High Count
131079LimnobacterHigh14057.3High Count
1843210AnaerocolumnaLow29356.8High Count
44249PaenibacillusLow29756.7High Count
1481960PeptoclostridiumLow20856.7High Count
94008ThermicanusHigh25356.6High Count
84108SlackiaHigh27156.6High Count
577310ParasutterellaLow50156.5High Count
830ButyrivibrioLow49956.4High Count
906MegasphaeraHigh31556.4High Count
44258CaloramatorHigh35556.2High Count
256319ChlorobaculumHigh24756.1High Count
437755MoryellaLow49756.1High Count
1647ErysipelothrixHigh25556High Count
33926Candidatus PhytoplasmaHigh24456High Count
561EscherichiaHigh24755.9High Count
2304693PseudoclostridiumHigh24955.9High Count
33042CoprococcusHigh43855.5High Count
1505652TerrisporobacterLow50455.5High Count
1569SporosarcinaLow29455.5High Count
35829AcetivibrioHigh41055.3High Count
2316020MediterraneibacterHigh44155.2High Count
376469OlivibacterHigh18155.1High Count
2093MycoplasmaHigh25154.6High Count
588605RobinsoniellaLow29454.6High Count
156973DysgonomonasHigh25854.6High Count
35832BilophilaHigh31954.5High Count
1263RuminococcusHigh45654.5High Count
1562DesulfotomaculumLow28354.5High Count
838PrevotellaHigh44754.3High Count
140625LachnobacteriumHigh34854.1High Count
1350EnterococcusHigh22154.1High Count
44748SporobacterLow49354High Count
42447AnaerobrancaHigh24253.8High Count
40544SutterellaHigh44453.3High Count
162289PeptoniphilusHigh42853.1High Count
1485ClostridiumHigh53653High Count
909656PhocaeicolaHigh54152.9High Count
572511BlautiaHigh54552.8High Count
816BacteroidesHigh54852.8High Count
44260MoorellaHigh21252.6High Count
189330DoreaHigh54652.6High Count
841RoseburiaHigh55252.5High Count
1017280PseudoflavonifractorLow49052.4High Count
39948DialisterLow49852.3High Count
265975OribacteriumHigh41952.3High Count
216851FaecalibacteriumHigh56352.3High Count
1678BifidobacteriumHigh49252.1High Count
29465VeillonellaHigh45052.1High Count
66831FacklamiaLow27552High Count
244127AnaerotruncusHigh48052High Count
1730EubacteriumHigh46251.9High Count
375288ParabacteroidesHigh53951.9High Count
1301StreptococcusHigh56451.9High Count
28050LachnospiraHigh55551.6High Count
1501226RomboutsiaLow48051.3High Count
379899NiabellaLow29251.3High Count
1432051EisenbergiellaLow48550.5High Count
579KluyveraLow20850High Count
1578LactobacillusHigh47549.9High Count
283168OdoribacterHigh45649.6High Count
653683AnaerosporobacterLow20949.6High Count
724HaemophilusHigh26649.4High Count
207244AnaerostipesHigh54949.3High Count
61170HoldemaniaHigh44649.3High Count
404402HowardellaLow26849.2High Count
872DesulfovibrioHigh39548.7High Count
1433991BrassicibacterLow27048.6High Count
86331MogibacteriumHigh39648.6High Count
836PorphyromonasHigh39048.4High Count
33024PhascolarctobacteriumHigh43948.2High Count
1508657RuminiclostridiumHigh28548.1High Count
2282743DesulfohalotomaculumLow26947.9High Count
239934AkkermansiaHigh40747.7High Count
397864BarnesiellaLow47647.6High Count
447020AdlercreutziaHigh24747.3High Count
150022FinegoldiaLow48447.3High Count
1470353Candidatus SoleaferreaLow20147.1High Count
102106CollinsellaHigh47846.7High Count
577309ParaprevotellaHigh24346.4High Count
420345LactonifactorLow45146.3High Count
596767HydrogenoanaerobacteriumLow44145.8High Count
2529408SchaaliaLow20245.4High Count
574697ButyricimonasHigh38145High Count
1654ActinomycesHigh36145High Count
84111EggerthellaHigh39444.3High Count
177971ShuttleworthiaLow43442.5High Count
1870884ClostridioidesLow19342.5High Count
644652GordonibacterLow20041.7High Count
191303TuricibacterLow19041.6High Count
292632SubdoligranulumHigh25840.2High Count
1716CorynebacteriumLow20240High Count
1407607FusicatenibacterHigh26039.9High Count
946234FlavonifractorHigh25639.9High Count
459786OscillibacterHigh25139.8High Count
1392389IntestinimonasHigh24739.3High Count
1505663ErysipelatoclostridiumHigh27939.1High Count
1506577TyzzerellaHigh16139.1High Count
44748SporobacterHigh16338.5High Count
239759AlistipesHigh28338.4High Count
830ButyrivibrioHigh18138.2High Count
1164882LachnoanaerobaculumHigh15838.1High Count
43996CatonellaHigh16237.9High Count
1649459HungatellaHigh15537.9High Count
698776CellulosilyticumHigh15437.8High Count
241189HespelliaHigh20537.6High Count
2048137AgathobaculumHigh15137.4High Count
1774128MurimonasHigh14537.4High Count
100175PapillibacterLow19437.3High Count
2039240AnaerotignumHigh14837.3High Count
2569097AnaerobutyricumHigh14237.2High Count
1506553LachnoclostridiumHigh19137High Count
2719313EnteroclosterHigh14536.8High Count
596767HydrogenoanaerobacteriumHigh14836.8High Count
237FlavobacteriumLow16836.3High Count
1505657IntestinibacterHigh21036.3High Count
437755MoryellaHigh17436.2High Count
1427378AcetatifactorHigh14736.1High Count
577310ParasutterellaHigh19135.9High Count
253238EthanoligenensHigh13235.8High Count
165779AnaerococcusLow19435.7High Count
248744MarvinbryantiaHigh20435.4High Count
204475GemmigerHigh14534.9High Count
39948DialisterHigh16134.9High Count
397864BarnesiellaHigh12434.6High Count
420345LactonifactorHigh11534.5High Count
1017280PseudoflavonifractorHigh15734.4High Count
1505652TerrisporobacterHigh19034.2High Count
177971ShuttleworthiaHigh12034.2High Count
588605RobinsoniellaHigh11634High Count
1432051EisenbergiellaHigh16734High Count
1569SporosarcinaHigh12233.7High Count
44249PaenibacillusHigh12633.7High Count
1843210AnaerocolumnaHigh12833.6High Count
168934ThalassospiraLow17633.6High Count
1501226RomboutsiaHigh16533High Count
150022FinegoldiaHigh13032.8High Count
1562DesulfotomaculumHigh10932.6High Count
66831FacklamiaHigh10431.6High Count
1348911CoprobacterLow19431.4High Count
379899NiabellaHigh11031.3High Count
135858CatenibacteriumLow16928.9High Count
1472649DielmaLow18028High Count
117563GranulicatellaLow16226.3High Count
172900VictivallisLow15726.3High Count
194CampylobacterLow18126.1High Count
109326AnaerovoraxLow15525.7High Count
184869VaribaculumLow17824.7High Count
580024EnterorhabdusLow16724.5High Count
963HerbaspirillumLow15924.4High Count
1357LactococcusLow15723.8High Count
1161127MurdochiellaLow15422.2High Count
189326GelriaLow14920.7High Count
1473205SenegalimassiliaLow13520.4High Count
(c) 2024 Lassesen Consulting LLC, DBA Microbiome Prescription